Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Blogger Police Go After MRA Supporter

Dateline: UK, EU

By: Timocrat

From: England Expects

Via: The Honor Network

Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)

We at the Honor Network have been ranking non-MRA bloggers for many years in the hope that political bloggers would feel more confident to take on all the taboos and PC pressure, and thus avoid remaining at the fringes of critiquing feminism for safety. We feel this has work resoundingly, but now comes the response as the EU& Labour government as they are trying to take down a political blogger for non-gender PC correctness. So to avoid our supporters, in the polical centered field, from getting shut down first, and then the authorities of the PC blogger police coming for, us we must stand together for one of our more casual supporters. Or have no one to stand by us when they come for us later. Here is the story from the blogger England Expects:


The problem was at the beginning of the month I had posted a piece about some gender language absurdity (please note that the staff regulations talk about his. I had included the name of the author and she had requested that I remove the name. This I did, as she pointed out that she had been phoned by a couple of journalists and was, as an official unable to talk to them.

Notwithstanding me removing her name, somebody made an official complaint about this blog to the powers that be. The Secretary General of the Parliament, Harald Rømer then wrote to my group pointing out my clear breech of the staff rules. I had, it said posted article upon England expects, a website that is “”ironique et eurosceptique”. (One wonders which was the worse transgression, the scepticism or the fact that I laugh at them?)…

Yesterday I was summoned by my Secretary General and informed that a formal complaint had been made about my posting on this blog. My activities were found to be in contravention of the Staff Code of Conduct

In particular I was in breech of Article 12 and 17. That is:

Article 12

An official shall refrain from any action or behaviour which might reflect adversely upon his position.

1. Subject to Article 15, an official wishing to engage in an outside activity, whether paid or unpaid, or to carry out any assignment outside the Communities, shall first obtain the permission of the Appointing Authority. Permission shall be refused only if the activity or assignment in question is such as to interfere with the performanceof the official’s duties or is incompatible with the interests of the institution.

Article 17

1. An official shall refrain from any unauthorised disclosure of information received in the line of duty, unless that information has already been made public or is accessible to the public.

2. An official shall continue to be bound by this obligation after leaving theservice.

Bring attention to this in any way you can for this is the first strike in the silencing of MRAs.

For more details: http://englandexpects.blogspot.com/2008/09/ironique-et-eurosceptique.html

Posted in U.K   

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