Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

India’s Male Suicide

Dateline: India By: Vineeta Pandey From: We Men Us Via: The Honour Network Priority News Exchange Program In India, one married man commits suicide every nine minutes. Of the total 1,25,017 cases of suicide in 2008, married men alone accounted for 57,639. The overall male-female…

Evil Decision by Indian Courts

Dateline: Mumbai, India By: Mayura Janwalkar From: DNA Via: The Honour Network Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP) The UN and NWO has moved to destroy Indian families as they have in all western nations.They have now decided that any women will never lie…

India TV Video (Wife Beats Husband & Son)

Watch a 3-part video series (in Hindi from Gokulpr) of wife beating husband & son, followed by a discussion on government policy and more: http://www.mrausa.net/showthread.php?t=1743

Italian Fathers’ Rights Activist Attempts to Set Himself On Fire

Dateline: Italy, EU By: MGTOW From: MSNBC Via: The Honor Network Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP) For Video Click:  http://www.mrausa.net/showthread.php?t=1402 An Italian Fathers Rights activist, who hasn’t been able to see his son for over 15 years (despite the courts’ endless bogus posturing),…

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