Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.


Referring latest news of “Aged Women Lost her life: Husband and Son got arrested in 498A” [ http://supari.org/mother/ ] many such old aged women are sacrificed their lives to this biased law.

Under IPC 498A, notoriously called Dowry Law, or Dowry prohibition Act, Many innocent men along with old parents and Pregnant sisters are arrested without any investigation. This is known fact and Ministers openly admit that, there is 98% misuse in this gender biased laws. Still they support such laws.

These Women organizations and Women Ministries like NCW / WCD are not doing anything than supporting and fighting for such misusers of the law. Many families are broken because of this law. This law is creating Terror in every family where male child is born. The women who bore male child are not women, termed by NCW/WCD because they refused to help and listen to such women Problems. Still these women organizations support misusers of law, and give help

Because of False complaints of these modern women many women lost life, by heart attack or committed suicide, but NCW/WCD is not making modern daughter in law responsible for their death. Even Abetting is crime, none charged under such crime.
Once this complaint is filled, all marriages ends in Divorce, there is no chance of compromise once husband goes to jail. These modern Daughters in laws are blackmailing husband in Child custody too.

These laws are breaking home
Terrorizing families
Cause Divorce
Children’s are separated and raised by single parents.
Many committed suicide and caused Death.

Still NCW / WCD strongly support such laws, and making many more similar laws. So they are responsible for untimely death of many innocent and old ages parents and women. Master mind behind all these laws are NCW/WCD.

Recently we saw Government is proposing to BAN BhagarangDal and SIMI, which created havoc in society. They are responsible for the death of many by BOMBS and RIOTS, They have Blood in their hands, and they are responsible for Death of Innocent. And they are banned.

If Bhagarangdal and SIMI are banned why not NCW / WCD?

There is no difference between these Organizations. NCW/WCD just another side of the same coin. They terrorized whole family system of Indian family.

NCW / WCD get CRORES of Rupees Funds from Government, and millions of dollar from foreign Aid, to empower women, to help needy women. Where that money goes?

Why NCW is not helping such old women who died of heart attack? or charging those who responsible for her death ?

In Riot hit khandamaal many pregnant women gave birth in an unhygienic condition, many had miscarriage, all women in refugee camps delivered babies without the help of any doctor or medical care, very few are lucky to get anganawadi representatives.

Why NCW/WCD is not helping such needy women?

In India Prostitution is not yet legal, but if you go to Grant Road / Congress House / PeelaHouse or Kamatipura of Mumbai or any REDLIGHT areas of Delhi or Kolkata, you will find many brothels run by women only, These women buy and sell minor girls and do business, and NCW / WCD is not stopping them nor support / Rescue such harassed innocent girls.

These 2 women Organization not only Terrorizing citizens of India, but failed in its duty too.

NCW / WCD should be banned without any delay.

This Article is also sent to President of India, as a women and President of India, she should understand flight of old and innocent women. As an aged woman, if President of India does understand this simple thing and is not passing order to Scrap NCW / WCD then she is not only a part of this conspiracy to break family system of India, but BLIND too.

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