Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Husbands are often assaulted by their wife

Women are always the victims of domestic violence and men are the main culprits. In order to protect women, Domestic violence bill has been passed, on the proposal of women’s group.

Let us see how the above perception of the general public gets shattered when we come across cases such as this given in here.

It is disturbing to know that only when a woman’s complaint is proved false, that is precisely when we get to know that, as a matter of fact, the husband was subjected to domestic violence, let alone those husbands who are not yet falsely accused under the criminal case of 498A by his wife but still they continue to suffer the domestic violence.

A woman can never hurt a man because a man is physically stronger than women. But, what if a man is under a tremendous emotional pressure where he is unable to defend himself from the assault of his wife? Then wouldn’t it be logical to believe that women are physically stronger than men when it comes to marriage because men usually tolerate their wife’s regular tantrums? Thanks to the society for considering wife’s cruel tantrums as part and parcel of a marriage life for men.

Out of many thousand cases, there is a need to mention one case where a wife subjected her husband to physical torture and still went to the police station to lodge a complaint against her husband of domestic violence. Weird isn’t it?

TeleGraph India – News
This is precisely what happened in Jalpaiguri, where a couple, Ishani and Sumana got married. Sumana, 30-year-old woman, started assaulting her husband so cruelly that he used to bleed at night. Now when a man begins to bleeding, it surely is convincing evidence that his wife would have assaulted him very cruelly.

The battered husband, Ishani, then learnt that his wife was a psychiatric patient who was under medication. The innocent husband was denied vital facts about Sumana before marriage. Concealing vital facts about a woman from the prospective groom before marriage isn’t something new. It happens most of the time and when the husband comes to know about the truth, it is already too late.

Sumana expressed her desire to meet her parents and left to Asansol a place. Sumana lodged a police complaint as soon as she reached there. She made her complaint under IPC section 498A, already notorious for being largely misused by women in India.

Ishani was immediately arrested and was sent him to jail. The person who was subjected to cruelty is arrested and sent to jail. This is how our judicial system works. Instead of arresting Sumana, they arrested Ishani and was sent to jail.

He then moved the high court, which granted him bail after knowing that he who had been physically abused and not the other way round. What if he couldn’t prove his innocence? He would have been sent to jail for 7 years rigorous imprisonment just like those men who couldn’t disprove the false allegation of their wife under IPC 498A.

It would be a mistake to consider the above case as an exception because 498A is massively misused in our society and in most of the cases women are the ones who cruelly treat their husbands. Ishani’s life is ruined now. Who is responsible? Sumana, his wife, Sumana’s parents who concealed vital facts about her, or our judicial system, who has given a legal protection to women which is excessively biased.

But the good news is that more and more men’s organizations are opening up in the country because they are realizing that women are not the only ones who are victims, men too are victimized and unfortunately, the legal system is favoring only women.

Don’t be surprised when you see many more men’s organization been established to protect the basic rights of men. But, beware that women are potentially capable to victimize men emotionally, physically, and legally. Next time you see a woman filing a case against her husband, chances are that she has filed a false case.

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