Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Indian Men Strikes Back

Have you ever felt the need to share your marital problems to somebody when there is none to hear you out? It is indeed irritating to see organization that addresses only women issues. Now your wait has come to an end.

There is a significant increase in organizations across the country having the objective of supporting harassed husbands. These organization, comprising of highly educated and experienced people, have understood that in order to attain gender equality, women have demand and attained outrageous legal protection to an extent that men are constantly threatened and victimized.

What used to be called part-and-parcel-of-married-life for men is now increasingly considered as domestic violence. It is rational that when women are given extravagant legal protection especially on frivolous issues, men should not keep quiet when they are subjected to domestic violence. Men have realized that they will only increase their suffering and ruin their life if they try to save their marriage by continuing to get victimized on a daily basis in the hands of his errant wife.

Men, usually, are conditioned to tolerate the authoritative and adamant nature of a woman in the family. Women are persuaded to speak out, to fight back on issues that are frivolous, trivial and unjustified. Therefore, these organizations seek to train the minds of men to consider the authoritative and adamant nature of the wife as a potential domestic violence on them. And men are beginning to realize it.

Most men prefer to keep quiet for not wanting to rock their marriage and women on the other hand, are more than happy to put their husband on the receiving end knowing that the law unconditionally supports them. Men endure blackmailing, intimidation, nagging on a daily basis and nobody can deny it. This, unfortunately, is accepted humorously by the society but when it comes to women, the society assertively comes to the rescue of a woman. Why such discriminatory treatment toward men?

It is a proven fact that most men fear their wife. And their friends grab this opportunity to make a laughing stock out of their condition. Why? Why a man is not treating such authoritative behaviour of his wife as domestic violence? Some men say, “It is alright, she is after all my wife.” Then why does a wife not think on the same lines? Why the law has given outrageous legal support to women in cases where it is absolutely irrational to even complain to the cops against their husband?

This double standard of the society has led to increasing number of men committing suicide because there is none who could come to their rescue or help them out from a bad marriage. Who is responsible? The biased laws or the people of the society who still wants to live blindfolded when a man is facing marital problems.

However, all this is about to come to an end because mens organization are beginning to form in various parts of the countries to support harassed husbands, provided people understand the necessity of protection to men also. When women are in a position to seek legal help on frivolous issues and bring her husband to his knees, then why not a man has the legal support to protect him from such legal intimidation from his wife?

Women groups, shamelessly, continue to defend their fraudulent activities to deceive the innocent people of the society. They continue to criminalize male gender and portray that women are the only victims in the society. They also refuse to accept the reality that men are increasingly being harassed by their wife. However, soon these women groups will not be able to defend themselves because people will naturally understand that now, more than women, men needs legal protection.

Men are beginning to flood the internet with thousands of blogs to increase the awareness about women going to extreme lengths to victimize men. Most women strongly dislike such a development on the internet, which is apparently, unmasking their life and their deception. And some men arent able to digest that women could ever be so bad. However, the response of most men on the internet is highly encouraging because they are able to observe the hidden deception behind Women Empowerment.

These organizations have 24 hour helpline to provide all the necessary counseling and support to these harassed husbands. We can achieve Gender Equality only when both the genders is given adequate legal protection so that either one of them cannot harm the other.
There is lot to be achieved for mens rights. This is just the beginning.


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