Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Men Becoming Adamant On Not Taking Wives Back

Some time back, Supreme court of India said, “False cruelty cases ruining marriages” admitting there are plenty of Women centric biased laws misused by women; but Supreme court want to blame it on men saying `Men Becoming Adamant On Not Taking Wives Back‘.
These comments assume significance as it has been a trend with the SC to seek response from the husband on a mere mention of a petition by a woman in matrimonial disputes. The court also readily transfers a matrimonial case to a place convenient to the wife, brushing aside protests from the husband.
The Supreme Court said false complaints under Section 498A of Indian Penal Code against innocent in-laws alleging cruelty and harassment at matrimonial homes were increasingly making the husbands adamant not to take back their wives. “For no fault, the in-laws, especially old parents of the husband, are taken to jail the moment a false complaint is filed against them by a woman under Section 498A. By roping in in-laws without a reason and for settling a score with the husband, the false and exaggerated 498A complaints are causing havoc to marriages,” said a bench of SC Chief Justice.

The Supreme Court knows every Feminists laws of India are unconstitutional and widely misused to harass men and his Family, but they want to blame men for the failure of marriage;

The Supreme Court think men have to take her back even her case found to be false.
The Supreme Court think men have to take her back even husband jailed for no reason.
The Supreme Court think men has to take her back even old In-laws dragged to Jail and court for no fault of their.
The Supreme Court think men has to take her back even Husbands married Sister who stay far away nor stayed together with Mrs.498A jailed or included in false case along with her breast fed child.
The Supreme Court think men have to take her back even Husband lost his Job because of False Criminal case.
The Supreme Court think men have to take her back even Husband lost his reputation for arrest and Criminal case.
The Supreme Court think men have to take her back even Husband or his Family committed suicide because of Shame and they were innocent.

Saying “Men Becoming Adamant On Not Taking Wives Back

But they will not say women made a Mistake, misused law, if they say she misused law and its rampant for decades, anyone will question why Supreme Court not fixing the loop hole in law?

Answer is Simple.

Every Judge and Politicians are wearing BANGLES.

2 thoughts on “Men Becoming Adamant On Not Taking Wives Back

  1. very nice and brave words, I personally admire your great movement for the right ones.

  2. I think that this judicial system needs to be sink down in black sea, afterwards, a large but organized committee re-arrange the laws and definitions, and this is because time has changed much than that of 1800-1900-2000 centuries. Population has been increased vehemently. Wealth and development is also here, thoughts are changed, hence laws must be changed also, but that would be very bulky and much harder, so the chair-person shrink and turn away their face on the question of renewal. They think, let it as what it was, pass 30-40 years of job and step down towards own life. Who cares for, shitty matter.

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