Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

All Indians – MUST know IPC498A before marriage (Legal Terrorism)



Urban India shakes due to dirty legal terrorism threat in almost every 4th family of URBAN INDIA.

Acquire knowledge about IPC498a – dirty political game

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For Media
I just wanted to bring to you attention that recently a husband was brutally beaten and then killed by his In Laws in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. First it was portrayed as a suicide, which Police (Foolishly) believed. However, it was a crystal clear murder case.

It was only brought to light after the daughter of couple (3 yrs old) revealed to the Police and Media (Star News).

Couple of Important points to note:
1. Wife keeps illicit relationship with some guy (Their 3 yr daughter
revealed this over to Media – STAR NEWS). Some guy called ‘Gautam’ having an affair with slain’s wife.
2. The husband is brutally beaten, and then hanged to death in his own house.
3. Boy’s In Laws (especially girl’s father & brother beats the husband to death)

Most funny, after all this the girl behaves as nothing happened (What a joke!! – You first kill your husband and then say nothing happened). The neighbours said, three days before husband’s death couple had a big fight. It seems quite imperative here that there was something wrong in their relationship, and girl played an important role.

My open questions are:
1. When the husband dies, nothing happens!! (As usual)
2. When the girl dies, every TOM, DICK and HARRY is jumping here and there.
3. Where is silly Women’s Organisation at this point?
4. Don’t they think that Boy’s mother/sister are also women, and what pain they might be in.
5. Where is Mahila Aayog now?? Don’t they think that their own Mahila’s are creating a big mess and problems all over?

I would urge all of you to raise public awareness to this issue.

I want to bring the plight of husbands into public’s attention, and this is what happens in reality.

Especially for STAR NEWS:
I have recently seen one of your programmes called Insaf ka Taraju wherein you described the case of NRI husband and Indian wife. However, there were many flaws/defects in your story, or may be in the story of the lady lawyer (she needs some coaching) representing Indian lady.

1. The lady lawyer said; the NRI husband took the Indian bride on Tourist Visa. Do you know its illegal, if you are American Citizen you cannot take your wife on tourist Visa. This is violation of American Visa system and I am sure you know how stringent Americans are when issuing a Visa. Why not try one for yourself, and I am sure, if you say that your spouse is American Citizen you won’t be allowed to go to America on Tourist Visa i.e. Non Immigrant Visa.

2. The girl ran away from matrimonial house, and stayed at someone’s place later flied back to India. All this happened within a very short duration of their marriage. Once she was back she filed for Divorce, don’t you think she should have tried to reconcile. Obviously why reconcile, when you are married to rich millionaire, as you know you will get loads of money free and you have eyes on his property. The intention was clearly to get away with heaps of money, which you can’t dream of earning in your life.

3. Another thing which has been commonly noted is that NRIs are always blamed for something or the other, and it’s always considered that Indian bride are all correct. Have anyone bothered to take the story from NRIs as well. Infact, they are the representatives of India in foreign land. Many of them are very successful people (even much more than Indians in their own country take example of LN Mittal, because they learn their life hard way), who have made their life with their hard work and get very little chance to prove their side of story.

I felt so debilitated after watching yours so called Insaf Ka Taraju which infact was prepared without any ground work/facts, and was much more of a TV Serial rather than anything else. It was so funny watching that, as there were no specifics of girl’s story and it was considered all true. You know what; there is no girl in this world who would say good/well about husband if the marriage breaks down. It all becomes blame game. God forbid, even if you face such a situation, just listen what your other half will say about you (will be interesting to hear of course!!)

Small piece of suggestion, STOP BROADCASTING programmes without completing your coursework!! Why make fun of your channel, if you don’t know what you are broadcasting.

For Women Organisations
I am not against women (my mother and sister are also women), all I think is that complains should be dealt on case by case basis, and it’s not always the men who are at fault. Today, if you see India (population more than 1 Billion), there are so many women who are serious offenders, starting from cheating to murder and you name it, women are there.

Another interesting thing which I found out about Mahila Aayog was that most of the members of Mahila Aayog have either failed in marriage or never married.

Take the example of Ms. Girija Vyas (Chairperson of NCW). She never married and now she heads NCW, India – what a pity on women’s in India. You are asking a person to give driving lessons who has never driven the car herself. How do you expect that she knows what a married life is like, when she herself never got married. Its simply the case that you cannot teach someone unless you are yourselves educated first. Everyone should understand that unless you have experienced similar things, you cannot be an expert.
There is no theory knowledge required here; you should have seen it by yourself to understand the facts and reality.

Thanks to Government of India, who have passed such laws, where the girls simply walks into Mahila Aayog/Police Station and gets complains registered against husband and his family, and you know what, husband gets arrested even without any evidence and investigation

Excellent example is Zahira Sheikh, who was sentenced by Hon’ble Supreme Court on charges of lying to Police, Government, and whole Media. Don’t you think girl’s like this make the mockery of system. As usual, everyone thinks, girls are always RIGHT, which in itself is a big lie!!?? (Something to be thought about very seriously) What is Mahila Aayog’s stand in this case? Do they think Zahira is innocent (What a shame!!)

Government’s Role
My take to this matter, as every other Government (all over world) does, we need to take into consideration the evidence/witness before arresting anyone. The Police cannot walk into anyone’s home at 5AM, and arrest someone, just because some girl filed false complain against them.

There is a very good saying in Western Countries by Police (Law Enforcement Agencies) ALL SUSPECTS ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY IN ‘COURT OF LAW'”. Hence, no one has the right to arrest you without having proper investigation & reasons. And its up to Police to do their homework before coming to someone for arresting.

For Hon’ble President of India
I would also like to request to Hon’ble President of India and Government of India to consider this seriously. Justice should be given, without any gender bias. Who ever (whether male or female) if proven guilty in ‘Court of Law’ should be punished.

Further to this, ‘Supreme Court of India’ has already termed IPC 498A, as legal terrorism , and suggested some amendments (making it bailable, etc) should be made. But the Government of India failed to make the amendments, because Brinda Karat (MP CPI) said they will withdraw the support to the Government. With Mr. Shivraj Patil wanting to save his seat & Government decides to put aside the recommendations by Supreme Court of India. I (as many Indians) do not think Mr. Shivraj Patil is above ‘Supreme Court of India’ and he should have gone ahead with recommendations. But so is the charm of ones chair (obviously when you happen to get the chair after such a long wait who wants to lose that, only an idiot will do that)

However, since the Government is weak (of course it’s a coalition Government!! No surprise) it cannot act on itself. So ‘Legal Terrorism’ will continue to play its role in Great India and keep on harassing thousands of Indians (both males and females)

My only request to you would be to please consider the request and help us to live in peace and harmony with our families.

Impact on Society
One of the main concerns is relating to the fact that if people are not able to get justice, then it obviously takes different forms, i.e. revenge/psychological disorders/suicides. This will increase the intention/desire to take revenge themselves if the Government is unable to help them, which again would not prove that good to people and society. As it is said, if Government is unable to protect people, they will start finding the ways to protect themselves which is termed as taking law in their hands.

Another important thing would be that girls get motivated to file false complains, because they know they don’t have to prove anything, just have to say something against the boy & his family and all is done. But if you look it at from wholistic perspective, I don’t think this will bring any good to girl as well. No boy on this earth would like to live with the girl who takes such damaging/illogical steps.

Institution of Marriage
We also have to understand that there are cases, where two people with different temperament can get married. In such cases, it’s understood that such marriages will break down eventually. In India, as most of the marriages are arranged marriages, the boy and girl do not know each other, and have no/little interaction before marriage. Its only after marriage that they taste the reality.

Marriage is all about trust and faith, and if that is broken there is no power in this world which can reinstate that (I hope everyone will agree to this!). In most of the cases, what we have seen that when the marriage breaks apart, girl prefers to file complain (false one), just to extract money from boy & his family. This is not what you call as justice, if your marriage breaks because of temperamental differences, then there is no point in talking about DP Act/ 498A.

International Awareness
Lastly, we have raised this with International Human Rights Commission in London, Geneva and New York, and would also request them to look at this funny & illogical law (which only Government of India is having to arrest/harass people, just because girl said something). We will be providing them with content to start looking into this matter.

The facts about filing false dowry complain are:

98% of Cases are proved FALSE
2% is the rate of conviction

However, most of the cases are settled outside Court with huge money transactions, and pity on boys who have to accept the conditions from girl’s family.

There are thousands of battered husbands (Indians) all over India and world, who are struggling with this strange law. They have starting coming together, and I am sure, the pace at which the things are moving you will see mass movements all over India and world over this law (498A DP Act).

My Personal Situation
Fortunately, I am not weak either financially and morally. I can and will fight till my last drop of blood (as I did all my life) against this stupid law. I come from a poor background and understand the importance and need of money. Coming from poor background makes me understand the plights of thousand of families who have to keep on paying to lawyers/in laws just to get out this draconian law.

I have lived with fighting spirit and would prefer to die like a soldierrather than getting humiliated/embarrassed with such stupid laws (Valid only in India), which are based on nothing apart from politics. Still we say, ‘Mera Bharat Mahan’, and this is what India is all about.

I hope the above will work as an eye opener, and people would understand that 498A (DP Act) is bringing more harm to the society rather than proving any good.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I am open to any criticism, and debates about this.


Mr. Raj
Bachelor of Engineering (India)
MBA (London, UK)
Investment Management (London Business School, London, UK)
PhD (University of London In Progress)
Working as ‘Investment Banker’ with Top Investment Bank in London , UK

2 thoughts on “All Indians – MUST know IPC498A before marriage (Legal Terrorism)

  1. Dear Brother of india,

    very sad to see qulified capable boy’s involve in legal fighting. just because they had selected the wrong type of girl. it is punishment for the husband.

    i can understand the pain of husband.

    Goverment donot kept any option other than fighting , and politician will enjoy there law making. when the son’s of political leader will get trapped in this and they will loose there post due to this then and then only they will learn the women engineering behind 498a. till the time they will not understand.

    Every dog had his own day. today we are sufferening and we will come out due to fighting spirit. the son’s of political leader will pay huge money ( offcourse no 2 money)

    No political leader had interest in changing the Law. or invetigate the matter before filing case rather than punish first and then invetigate the truth. and after yeras of invetigation say “sorry it was false case”

    wastqge of income tax money on false complint by wife.

  2. ya its the fact all above wht said hoping for best of law which will stand perfect for a country like india

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