Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

The practice of dowry and the incidence of dowry abuse in Australia.

Dowry system was Practiced in Indian subcontinent since long time ago and was an ancient custom, and it also continued among Indian Origin community Abroad, and owing to misuse of this custom it was Prohibited in India since 1961.

There is Law in India and it is called Dowry Prohibition Act covered under Penal code Section 498A.

This law is being widely misused by Indian Brides and their family members becuase it is biased towards Male/Husband’s Family, and most of the cases registered are false and basis only the allegations of women, the police without any evidence, or verification of the allegations or listening to the other side story book a case against the husbands.

As per Indian National crime bureau (NCRB) acquittal rate in IPC 498A as more than 80%. Majority of the cases filed are false and are filed only to harass and extort money from the husband and in laws. This can also be validated by the increasing number of suicides among married men which is double than the number of suicides by married women.

Please find cummulilative statistics for Dowry and Domestic Violence here https://mynation.net/voice/ncrb/ the same can also be found on NCRB website of Government of India.

Same trend is continued in Indian community Abroad too(Australia/Canada/UK/USA)

At the time of Marriage Girl side does not support man/husband to start new family, buy house, or pay all the bills, it’s legacy of Indian Mentality that girls family expect husband has to pay for everything. No girl is ready to marry boy from poor family.
They are always on look out for well to do grooms only, they look for Rich NRI men, they use Rich NRI men to migrate. It is not true that Men’s family harass the girls, most of the time it is Girls Family whose undue interference worsens the marital relationship between husband and wife and their hidden motives like getting a PR/Citizenship once fulfilled they start harassing the husband and in laws. Because they know by harassing and tormenting the husbands will end up with Divorce, and they are going to hit the jackpot, if husband is Rich.

There is no such thing as dowry demand / Harassment or related violence, most of the time, rather men and their families are victims of these laws which are being used by wicked women to get out of marriage and to make money.

If any such laws are made then, those should be gender neutral and those who misuse these laws should be punished as per the law of the country and they should be black listed and deported back to India and their PR / Citizenship cancelled.

THIS ARTICLE IS IN RESPONSE TO AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENTS PLAN TO DRAFT DOWRY LAW FOR INDIAN ORIGIN COMMUNITY. Ref : https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Legal_and_Constitutional_Affairs/DowryAbuse

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