Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Beware of Marrying an Indian Girl !!!

“Honest , Down to earth , Religious , Very Traditional” these are the words that describe about 99% of brides to be in matrimonial sites and newspaper articles. These conjure an image of the Sati Savitri that the Indian women is in the eyes of any Man or prospective groom.The media and the Govt also support this by projecting an image that the poor Indian women who are suffering from decades of male oppression need a helping hand in marriage .

THINK AGAIN young men , What the media or the government do not want you to know about is highlighted below . and these are nothing but the hidden bitter truth behind most Indian marriages .The bitter truth is that the Indian marriage these days reeks of bitter resentment , biased laws against the husband and extortionist wives out to make quick money by unleasing the biased Indian laws againt the family of the husband .

1) Twice the number of Indian Married men commit suicide every year as compared to women .The suicides of men are brushed under the carpet as due to financial reasons while that of women as investigated a dowry deaths and additional funds get allocated to fight the fictional dowry menace .

 2) More than 126,000 women have been arrested in the last 4 years alone apart from lakhs of elderly citizens , young bright men and even children in the name of dowry harassment by the Indian Police at the behest of a simple complaint .

3) A simple report is enough to put the entire family of the husband behind bars under the draconian section 498A which has been hailed as the weapon of mass destruction by the modern empowered of India

 4) The Domestic violence act 2005 , another law considers even talking loudly with the wife an act of violence and the husband and his family can be entangled in a false case under the Domestic Violence act . Lakhs of husbands and his elderly parents have been thrown out of their own homes under this law , by the wives so that she and her family can occupy it .

 5) The extortionist police along with the Judiciary are misused by the unscrupulous wife and her family to extort money and torture the families of the Husband . The law provides no punishment or deterrent against misusing the senseless laws and that emboldens criminal wives even further .

6) Even you have not accepted or demanded a single paisa as dowry you can be booked under the anti dowry law . According to the center for social research , 98% of cases filed under the anti dowry law are filed with ulterior motives and are a great source of Income for courts , police and lawyers and families of wives .

7) Young , highly educated and brilliant NRI boys who resist the extortion efforts under section 498A have the dreaded Interpol Red Corner notices put up against their names thereby putting them in the same segment as dreaded criminals and International terrorists. This is done by the Indian police to ensure that these people when returning to India to meet their aged parents are arrested and tortured till they give up to the extortionist demands of the wives family .

 8) There are no laws whatsoever to protect men in India. Indian men are considered to be the lying in all cases are not believed by the Media , the Government , the Police or the Judiciary .The Indian man cannot turn for help anywhere when he is in accused falsely with a dowry harassment case or a Domestic violence act.

Young Indian men living in  Indian and abroad , you have worked really hard to reach where you are today and the country is proud of you for what you have achieved . Think twice before marrying these thousands of  “honest , down to earth, religious , truthful ” and “god-fearing”  girls who are hiding in the innumerable Indian matrimonial sites . These are monsters in disguise and once they sign on the dotted line in a marriage solemnization certificate , will not think twice about misusing the Biased and senseless Indian laws to destroy the lives of many a bright young Indian man .

By: T.K.Gunguly

12 thoughts on “Beware of Marrying an Indian Girl !!!

  1. Hellow Dear.
    Its True really happening. but li the world wommen is the first, Because of the money, lotof of the criminal follow to act to them so, what wehave to do? Like those have act of this manner,onside get on presoner other side nobodey help, even thoes where ever crimenel do like that. no solution, we lose money, weare erning very hard to save our life of futhure,either accident nor hadicap other ways illness of bodey,such thing way we are erning hard.they did not understend reight way thinking,so thar crimenls want ern money esey way and demolis family & distingish those familly.let them suffer in pasently.
    so that way hasbend died.
    those nris prying al ways god.
    Be ware of the crimenels.
    Thanking you.

  2. I dont know which idiot wrote this stupid article ! The Indian men who cheat Indian women & their poor families with regard to marriage with their dowry demands, abusive behaviours, bigamous marriages,etc is several times more than the few women who cheat Indian men !

    First compare the statistics of men cheating vs women who cheat you stupid biased freak !

    //Blogeshwari; can you forward, details / count of those so called INNOCENT / HARASSED women, and we will forward our more than 6000plus families, including mother,father,husband and sisters harassed and victimised under false case of dowry law and domestic violence act, even no dowry was taken, and in laws are staying separate sinse marriage and husbands sisters married and gone for long or never visited brother house,still they are victimised.
    if we do not get reply from you within 24 hours,we think, you are just another modern feminist who harass innocent husband family.who shed crocodile tears here

  3. Blogeswari,

    You wud understand better thick head if ur innocent mom, brother,father and maybe a grandmom was thrown in jail under 498a falsely.

    Several times more? Are you a lover of statistics? Come share the facts here or dont ever open ur mouth. you are one of those no one here will ever consider.

  4. Hmmm… Rather than a victim of dowry law… This guy sounds more like psycho… I guess he need to be sent to another term in jail… Fucking Indian men… Dowry takers… Bloody Fucking Indian men who burn and kill their wives… they deserve death… But they only get jail!!!… Why doesn’t your govt. give them the gallows… He would not have been on the website then… He is a lunatic who has got fake statistics… Indian men take money from the brides father for feeding their wives for the rest of their lives… So unmanly!!!

    //This comment shows Indian girls mentality – Who call herself Psycho –eDitor

  5. Dear Psyco,

    Looks like you are frustated, don’t worry at least there will be one man for you to get marry. keep on searching

    don’t worry you will get married to man not woman.

  6. I don’t understand why such foul language is used that too by a female – shows what you’r made of.
    Dara – you replied well to this female.

  7. this women are believer of mindless violence.they think liberation of women means harrassing men.when women are liberated why they beg money for maintenance.they think marriage is a business.they prove marriage is legalized prostitution.

  8. I like this site what is said is true here. My husband who is already married to me for soo many years in Canada went back to see his dying mother. Who passed away right after he saw her. Later these women who we knew firends of my in-laws truned the day after and accused my husband of marrying there daughter and even having a child with her. Went to thepolice and put report against name with other false accusations. But in real they want 30 lakhs from my father-in-law. My husband made it back after a case is filled against him by these women. Now they got my father-in-law and 15 year old neice arrested in the 498 dowry case. But all they want is to harrass ny father-in-law emotionally by hurting his kids in false accusations then he will give them money. What can be done with these women like that. Even they have no proof to there false accusations.Now they are putting it on the radio putting it newspaper. We are all so tired of this. We need help to get the truth out about these women. I dont understand police in India they listen to women like that with no proof and arrest the innocent.Need help pleaseanyone out there.

  9. yes it is worse now happening to husbands because some women taking advantage of law making life hell and enjoying from money received from hubs.

  10. Blogeshwari and Psycho,

    You Bloody fucking feminazis need to be sent to the gallows immediately and your dead bodies need to be used as fodder for wild animals and dogs! You are the REAL curse for society. You have two main intentions: 1. To enslave men. 2. To destroy the root of society, that is the family. You are worse than the Terrorists because terrorists destroy a few people by placing bombs and firing bullets. YOU destroy the society very subversively and deceitfully. You are worse than terrorists. Feminism and feminazism is worse than terrorism and Talibanism.

  11. I salute you mr. T.K.Gunguly, you wrote an exellent article & that’s the real truth behind the scenes, I highly appreciate your feelings towards the Indian men.

    Once Again TONS of SALUTES !!!!

    & message for those F*****G people who called Mr T.K.Gunguly a idiot, I will kick the shit out of u,

    Salutes to MR. T.K.Gunguly


  12. Another classical example of the gross misuse of Dowry Act (498A) is the case of television celebrity, Suhaib Ilyasi. India’s Most Wanted television host was in controversy after the dispute over his daughter Aaliya’s custody rose soon after Ilyasi’s wife Anju committed suicide on January 10, 2000 in Delhi. While his mother–in-law, Rukma Singh wanted custody of the child on the ground that she had the right under Muslim law, Ilyasi had taken the plea that his marriage with Anju was not solemnized as per the Muslim law but had been a civil affair. His sister-in-law Rashmi Singh came from Canada after six months of her sister’s death and filed a complaint with the police against Ilyasi, alleging that he used to torture his wife Anju for dowry.

    The case took bizarre turn when Anju’s brother Prashant Singh and father Prof K P Singh took a diametrically opposite stand and described the allegations against Ilyasi as “rubbish.” Prashant told Express Newsline:`whatever my mother and sister Rashmi are stating against Suhaib Ilyasi is a lot of rubbish. There is no truth in their statement or in the charges filed by the police against Suhaib. If you are holding Suhaib responsible for Anju’s suicide, then my mother and sister are also to blame, as they unduly interfered in their family matters.

    K P Singh, a retired IIT professor, agreed with Prashant. “My wife and daughter are breaking up my family”. Both Anju’s father and brother allege that Rukma and Rashmi have given statements against Suhaib as `they wanted custody of baby Aaliya. When Ilyasi delayed that, they put him in trouble.’

    Anju’s mother Rukma Singh had changed her earlier statement given in January, 2000, in which she had stated that she did not suspect any foul play by Suhaib Ilyasi. However when Ilyasi refused to give custody of his daughter, she change her statement and alleged dowry harassment against Ilyasi.

    It has been alleged for long that Dowry Act (498a) in India is being consistently misused by clever women for extortion and blackmailing. The NCRB records suggest that during 2005-2006, 94% of the 498A, 304B cases filed by women or by her relatives were primarily to settle scores.

    Section 498A in itself is, however, not meant to deal specifically with dowry — it is commonly considered to be a ‘dowry law’ because domestic violence against a wife related to dowry demands is considered to be within the scope of ‘cruelty’ envisaged by the Section.

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