Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Toxic Feminism turn Man a Criminal

Since childhood, as I grew up to be a man, a husband, and later then a father, I’ve been through a lot of facts that have changed the way I thought about men. I witnessed the reality of how a man is converted into a criminal.

None of us can ever deny, that criminals are born, but made by the circumstances around them and the situations they have been through. It is often said, that criminal mind is genetic formation, which can be seen in the children of a man too..well, I got an answer for it too. Let us move on with a story of a boy who has been considered to be a criminal and well even his has gone criminal, thus proving the modern society’s belief right, that a criminal mind is a genetic formation.

A boy (we’ll call him X) was born in an ordinary family, parents less educated, but good enough to raise him up with good family values, they never had the chance to visit a police station or court for any purpose. X grew up learning the basic human acts, later his education until he was a young man, X had never been in anything that makes up a criminal mind, he was good in humor and made friends with almost everyone he came across. Time passed, and he was an adult man, with a good job to earn his living, he was responsible towards his duties for his parents, siblings, relatives, and friends. Since he was a good man, he was given a partner as wife to accompany him for the life.

This was the time when reality was faced by X for the first time in his life. His newly wedded wife could make him understand that the life he had been living was an unsuccessful life, he had been a slave to his parents and siblings, and the relatives were just there for their own greed, she made him realize that the house he had been living in since he was child, was never his own and he was just a servant there, like a bull who is meant for earning only. In the very beginning, he marked his disagreement to all those bitter realities shown to him, but his attitude towards everyone started to change with the passing time.

The arguments with his wife for the entire concept she wanted him to understand, kept on going and one fine day, He moved out from the parental house taking his wife along with him, harassed and tired of the daily argument, seeking to live peacefully, and belief that he would be able to handle all his responsibilities, even after living apart. But the myth could not last long enough and circumstances went more worse when he had to tackle his responsibilities to his wife, parents, siblings, and his job. By now, he had become a rude man, who was short tempered, he had a feeling built in him, that he was not capable to fulfill the needs of his family, parents and everyone that depended on him.

His attitude and his behavior started to grow violent with the passing time, and then he became a father. And since he became a father, he even started to realize and understand his parents, but the dilemma was, he had even more hard time, for he had to bear the separation of his own child from his old parents. Everyone named him to be an irresponsible person, which he was not guilty for, but was managing to balance between his own wife and his own parents. His attitude towards life and responsibilities of life started roughening, the arguments with his wife started to go physical in action, his job performance started to fall. Most of his time was now consumed in the morning quarrel, then work tension of low performance, and then again the night which always came with an unending demands and arguments. He had no time for his child or his parents, who were also not happy with him by now.

In midst of the pressure, one fine day he raised his hand over his wife, and that was the day when a criminal was formed and the society identified him to be a cruel man, who was torturing his own wife, and neglecting his responsibilities to his parents and children. He was taken by the police, thrashed, he was made to run in courts. He was then, left alone to count on his guilt of what wrong he had done to everyone.

His wife and children were gone, and he could not even return to his parents. He was now neglected by everyone. He fell into the toxic life, ruining his job and all of his existence. By now, he was a criminal, taking rounds in the courts and police stations.
On the other side, his child, who never knew what wrong his father had done, that he had to separate from him, was growing up with belief of hatred for him, he always found him absent and wished to be with him, until the child’s mother succeeded to make him understand that his father was a threat to his mother’s life. With passing time, the child believed it to be true, the feeling of hatred, turned into hatred for his father.

Another more worst disaster in the child’s life came in form of his mother’s new life partner, whom the child would not have accepted without him being hateful to his own father. It is the natures rule, that if the child is to be accepted just because a man wants the child’s mother, the child remains a burden. The new partner of his mother, pushed him in the toxic world starting from sleeping pills, and later as the child grew, it led him to alcohol, and drugs, making him an unwanted human being, who was just like his father, arrogant and irresponsible. The feeling of rejection had broken the innocence within him, and he started to destroy every belief that forced him to be a good man. Insufficient means of living and needs, forced him to be a robber and later he immerged to be a hard core criminal.

Everyone said, He was a man of criminal mindset, and it was genetic, his father was too the same and so is his son.

We have a society of genius minds, who are never capable enough to see the reality that a man faces in his life, everyone is tied to belief that the woman can never be wrong, whereas the reality is that no person is born criminal, but made by either his better half, or the better half of his father. I sometimes wonder, who made the term “better half” for a person who made the life a hell.

Author : Benjamin Marshal

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