Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Die Worse, A Reality for Men

Coping with a breakup(Die Worse) is hard for everyone, but in my opinion, it is harderfor men than it is for women. This is especially true for all those men who were involved inlong-term relationships.

why it is so difficult to get over a breakup: not being able to let go of false hope. Most men are stuck in limbo with the idea that there might be a chance of getting back together with their women.

The result of such beliefs is a double-edged rejection sword.This personactually inflicts prolonged and repetitive pain. First comes the initial sting originating from the breakup itself. Then comes the gut-wrenching, heart-breaking hope that she will return, and eventually the realization that she does not regret leaving you — and she is gone for good.

All this pain could be kept short and sweet if a man would just learn to acceptthe decision made by his “new” ex-girlfriend and move on with his life. By waiting around and hoping, a man is trapping himself in an endless circle of torture.

You control the situation: A man cannot prevent his woman from leaving him, but he can definitely control the whole breakup situation. Some men make the whole experience a lot more difficult than it really is. You can think of going through a breakup as similar to preparing a martini — you take it either stirred or shaken.

The time it takes for a man to recover from the breakup depends on how he serves himself a martini. Most men will take it shaken. They sit around the house reading old love letters, looking at old photos and listening to meaningful love songs while reminiscing about the past.

Now you’re probably wondering why I believe it is more difficult for men.The answer is simple: we all know that one of the best ways to recover from a breakup is to meet new people. Well, after a breakup, men have a more difficult time meeting new women than women have meeting men.

Just think about it for a moment. If you break up with your girlfriend, all she has to do is go down to the local cafe, bar, club (you name it) and she’ll have atleast one man approach her. If she wants, she’ll be with him by night’s end.

On the other hand, the fragile, ego-broken man who was just dumped by his girlfriend now has the difficult task of approaching a strange woman and risk being rejected all over again.

Of course, his job is made a lot more difficult because he has to approacha woman while dealing with his new desperate state of mind (which definitely does not improve his chances: women hate desperate men), broken ego and rusty “pickup” skills.

Needless to say, his efforts are headed for doom, which will only cause his ego to be shattered further.

Divorce grew up with our generation, which saw divorcees balloon from less than 2 percent of the population in 1960 to over 8 percent today.

It is cast as a threat to one of our most sanctified institutions. But this affection for matrimony often masks a different reality. Divorce can be good.

After all, when marriage was pitched as a lifetime bond, no one thought that lifetime might last 100 years.

Put simply, things end. And that ending itself, while it can cause great pain and suffering, shouldn’t always equate with failure.

So we set out to give divorce credit for improving lives rather than just disrupting them. In the process, we uncovered some deeply entrenched myths that contribute to divorce’s bad name. As we challenge these myths, we’ll try to help you understand and cope with divorce in a way that’s best for you and everyone involved.

Divorce tears us apart. Divorce tears relationships apart, but often helps people put themselves together. And in freeing themselves from unfulfilling marriages, they may find the inspiration to enter a new phase of life.

There are many Examples,even after divorce,both partners stay as good friends.sometimes divorce teach us to love our partner more and there are chances to get back together.

Divorce stunts children. Kids are stronger and smarter than we think. Many are bucking the statistics that suggest children of divorces are less able to develop into well-balanced adults. They’re learning fromtheir parents’ mistakes and leading better lives because of it.sometimes,divorce is better for children,than with parents fight for silly reason daily.

sex ends with divorce. sometimes divorced man is so attached to his Ex-wife he is not able to perform better with his new wife,that may lead him to one more disaster.

In short run man suffer more emotionally and financially,many men are not able to cop with their emotions,and if they lose child custody. most men do not get Child custody even if they are saints.As per law men has to pay his wife, alimony or child support, so he suffer financially too. many men are not able to hold their job After divorce, it totally ruin them.

On the other side, most of the time women get finacial support from her Ex husband and child custody, if she get marry again she will get other man to pay her bills. but same if man get married again he has to support 2 families indirectly.

Divorce is double Edged Sword for Men.

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