Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Double Standards

There are two opposite propaganda by the feminazis:

1 That ladies are not safe in the society and there are rapists roaming here and there and

2 That girls should be treated at par with boys and not be discriminated in homes and should be allowed equal liberty.

By the arguments of the feminazis (and also the nimphomaniacs) the girls are not given equal liberties as the boys in homes. E.g. it is often argued that boys are allowed to go to late night parties and otherwise also are allowed to go out in late evenings (this is a part of propaganda 2 above).

Now if argument 1 is correct then is it not the right way for the parents to protect their girl child? What harm is there if the girl is not allowed the same freedom as the boy? It is for the protection of the girl because the society is full of rapists and kidnappers of girls!! (as per the feminazis)

One can argue that we must not hinder the liberty of the girl child due to the fear factor and that there should be strict punishments for crime against girls. Agreed. But then if a girl of my family has with met an unfortunate situation, what would I do the entire life? Why not be little stricter to girls? There is no harm. We lock our doors while going out although theft is a crime. Why dont we leave the door open and demand stricter punishment for the thieves? No!! we dont do that. We want to be safe than sorry for the money. Why not with girls?

The nature has made the women different from men and we should accept that rather than snatch the fate and try to make them equal. I am not saying man is greater or woman. I am simply saying both are different and women do need extra level of restriction than men just for their security and all should understand that. Love them and care for them but dont let them go to late night parties in short dresses in the name of women empowerment. Or else we may repent later.
The nature has made the woman a mother. It has made her that way that she can conceive. Still she argues that she will not look after the child and that husband must share equal responsibility. When the husband is working and the wife is not, is the husband not fulfilling his responsibility by being the bread winner of the family? I know of my friend. He works in a call center. His wife is a house wife. He returns late at about 3 in the morning. One day he came at 3 a.m. from work and went straight to sleep (which is but natural). The wife woke up the 2 year old baby saying papa has brought a train for him. He had brought the train but not for the night. She should have waited till morning. The child woke up and started poking husband with the train. The husband, after playying for a while, asked the wife to take care of the child. She refused saying “I take care of him during the day. Now u r here and u do the duties of the father”. She shut the door of a different room from inside and left the child with the father. The father, coming after 10 hrs of work and that too so hectic as that of a call center, played with the child till 7 in the morning and in between he prepared milk for him twice. In the morning he performed the morning chores for the child and made him sleep at about 8.

Section 498a forms only a fraction of the tortures of the husbands. We are tortured day and night in some form or the other.


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