Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Domestic Violence in India on Men

Violence within the confines of home by the so-called ‘protectors’ or domestic violence is a serious problem. Studies conducted worldwide show that domestic violence permeates all cultures, cut across the boundaries of class, caste or age and affect women globally. It has been reported that between one quarter and one half of all women have been abused by intimate partners and between forty percent of female murder victims are killed by intimate partners and her extra marital Affair Partners. Similarly most of married men are mentally harassed Every day but it goes unnoticed, because there are no laws to Protect them and they are Ashamed to report it, Even reported no one will believe in them

Violence within an intimate relationship is a violation of Spouse dignity and has devastating physical, emotional, financial and social effects on children, families and communities around the world. Therefore, it is essential to create an environment where partners can live free from violence. Victims of violence often suffered silently till recent times with little recognition of their plight. This began to change in 1980s when activists locally and internationally raised voice against physical, psychological and emotional abuse of partner within the confines of home. Gradually domestic violence has been recognized as a legitimate human right issue and a significant threat to health and well being of the spouse. Several countries have enacted laws and developed policies to protect spouse from domestic violence.

In India too, domestic violence has been criminalize since 1983 when amendments were made in the criminal law and Section 498-A IPC was inserted. However, experiences of organizations working with women show that this legal provision penalizes the perpetrator but it could not help victim of violence. For instance, battered women had no right to reside in shared household under criminal law and to apply for injunctions she has to knock the doors of civil courts thus it needs running from pillar to post to seek justice. The women’s movement in India, therefore, since 1990s has made demand for a civil law on this issue. However, it is only in 2005 that Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act was enacted. It came into operation after October 26, 2006 once the rules were framed. This law provides civil remedy to the victims of crime of domestic violence. A woman can now obtain protection orders, residence order, custody order, maintenance order and various other relief’s under the Act.

Unfortunately in India, Government made laws to Protect women only, as world over Feminism failing in its grip to make women centric laws, but Blind Law makers of India making more and more laws in women favor, and recently they enacted new Law of 33% Reservation for women, Indian Law makers think all men are Villains and all women are Victims of Men

Indian women already have several Laws to Protect their Interest, Like

(1) The crimes identified under the Indian Penal Code (IPC)

(i) Rape (sec.376 IPC)

(ii) Kidnapping & abduction for different purposes (sec.363 – 373 IPC)

(iii) Homicide for Dowry, Dowry Deaths or their attempts (sec.302/304-B of IPC)

(iv) Torture, both mental and physical (sec.498-A of IPC)

(v) Molestation (sec.354 of IPC)

(vi) Sexual harassment (sec.509 of IPC) (referred to in the past as Eve-teasing)

(vii) Importation of girls (upto 21 years of age) (sec.366-B of IPC)

(2) The crimes identified under the Special laws, such as :

(i) Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987

(ii) Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961

(iii) Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986

(iv) Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956

(v) Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005

and not a Single Law for men to Protect their Rights.

As per this survey http://new.abanet.org/domesticviolence/Pages/Statistics.aspx

it says 16% of men are raped and equal number of men are Victimised by wives [ In a 1995-1996 study conducted in the 50 States and the District of Columbia, nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or dating partner/acquaintance at some time in their lifetime (based on survey of 16,000 participants, equally male and female). ]

So Men are raped too but there are no Laws to protect them,
Men are Killed by their wives and also with the help of wives Lovers
Men are kidnapped
Men are mentally harassed, humiliated and Tortured.

Other than this men are falsly victimised under various women centric laws, As per officials 98% such complaints are False, still men are jailed along with his old aged Parents without any investigations. I will not give my own statistics on this, anyone can browse on net and search for words “misuse of dowry law” “IPC 498A” “domestic Violence law misuse” etc and you will know the truth. Above all this for misusing these laws modern women will not get any Punishment, and most of the Divorce / maintenance / custody laws goes in women favor, even she is at fault.

and poor innocent man do not have single Law for them. Why this Protection only for women, is it crime to be BORN as men….?

can anyone show single law for Indian Men. PLEASE.

5 thoughts on “Domestic Violence in India on Men

  1. I have recently come across a classical case of wife harrassing and torturing her husband for the last fifteen years. The victim is 66 years old. They were married 40 years ago. She is refusing to give him food and water and refuses sharing his bed though living with him supported by his and their childrens income.She has repatriated her husbands income and that of her children to the state she hails from. In the absence of any legal remedy he has to put up with the harrassment and torture.The human rights organisation also does nt take into cognisance such cases though it is a case where no other remedy is available.Sec498A IPC, Domestic Violence Act,Hindu Marriage Act1955 and the recently passed Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act does not provide for any relief to men from the domestic violence by wife

    12th May 2010

  2. There are no laws to protect men in any part of world. Because it is expected that man will protect themselves. All men who cannot fight for their pride and honor should perish. Nature does not allow weaker gene to pass to next generation.

  3. Very Nice Post, Indian laws aim to protect women from domestic violence but in an interesting development, it was held that domestic violence laws can also be used to prosecute women if they are guilty of domestic violence.
    Indian laws, however, do not have any provisions for domestic violence against men. The Delhi High Court had recently quashed a petition challenging constitutionality of the Domestic Violence Act since it provided protection only to women.
    The court in its ruling said, “We don’t rule out the possibility of a man becoming the victim of domestic violence, but such cases would be few and far between, thus not requiring the protection from the Parliament.” I read some on http://www.lawisgreek.com/indian-laws-women-can-also-be-booked-for-domestic-violence/

  4. Hi,
    Our country need more women protective laws because violence continues in our homes every day and empowered women face higher rate of violence as pressure is more on them to balance home and work.
    Anyway i oppose the comments against Indian government as it has passed correct legislations time and again due to the need of the time and increasing level of violence against women. Whatever stated in the right up above is based on columbia not about India and here people flare up by one or two cases where infact only due to male pressure women have acted differently. That itself shows how patriarchal is peoples thinking is in this country and men till date ruin womens lives and run away from responsibilitly by hook or crook. They bribe police, pay for lawyers but never try to support their own wife and children. Therefore we need more laws to protect women. Reality is different than what is stated above and its all lie.

  5. yes, In previous decades in india there was no protection for women and the DV law is made for their welfare. But 90 percent it is getting misused. What ever the law is made investigation should follow it without any prior perceptions on the men. Every IndianMan’s Current Perception : If women files a case against a him in DV act then there will no way to go. This kind of laws are made only by indian courts without any thought process.

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