Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Toxic Feminism – How it spreads and how to Counter it

Things we all need to know about Toxic Feminism

1.It feeds off our fear and it travels fast.
Humans are hardwired to remember negative information over positive, it’s how we learn. Feminists the Peddlers of disinformation know this and play on deep emotions, which make us far more likely to share it on social media — and so it spreads up to six times faster than factual news!

2.It thrives on social media and reaches billions.
The more time we spend on social media, the more money those companies make. They know that extreme and shocking content hooks our attention, so they programm their sites to promote it. And it reaches billions.The biggest newspapers sell a few million copies, while news on Facebook reaches over a BILLION per day.

3.It is being weaponized against us.
Feminists in Western world along with some Henpecked Politicians are weaponizing feminism as the newest move in the playbook for age-old divide and rule politics with gender. Same was done in India with Religion too. But it’s USA that leads the pack — their huge ‘troll farms’ employ legions of people to set up millions of fake accounts to spread feminism. And its propaganda outlet, is one of YouTube’s most-viewed news channels with an estimated 2 billion views!

4.It’s killing people and poisoning democracy.
Feminism is driving vigilante violence in India, in some countries in Asia and Arab world. It’s also poisoning our politics. Fake feminism destroying trust in mainstream media, our democratic institutions, and political leaders, creating the perfect breeding ground for anti-establishment strongmen to rise to power and make money. Because of feminism, social media is now a threat to democracy.

5.No one is immune.
People across the political spectrum are being micro-targeted as part of a strategy to polarise and erode our societies. In the US, EU troll army created a fake page for Fake Feminism activists that drew more followers than the Equal rights to women movement pages! We think we’d never fall for this stuff, but studies show that even the most educated among us tend to believe fake news, and people over 65 are even more likely to spread it.

Ways to protect ourselves from Toxic Feminism

1.If you see something, say something!
Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Seen a random Facebook post with shocking info about a political candidate? Don’t trust it! Check the facts with reliable sources, and if you think you may have found a piece of news about Women is brutally raped/murdered or harassed, let us know here. Most men are not doing anything even they see other men are harassed or abused till they are in same shit. even if you tell others, men are harassed others will laugh at you.

2.Keep supporting real journalism.
Most traditional media is covered by regulations and ethics that make it far more trustworthy than a random dude on the internet. They’re not perfect, but they check their facts and can be held responsible! Subscribing to a high quality newspaper with real journalism is one of the most powerful acts a citizen can take today.

3.Join the campaign to clean up social media.
MyNation has a simple and effective plan to push the tech giants to cure the fake news of Toxic Feminism epidemic on social media — by showing independently-verified factual corrections to fake news. Join MyNation.

4.Don’t give up on democracy!
The goal of the troll armies is to create such a climate of distrust that ordinary citizens walk away from democracy. When that happens, fanatic extremists can dominate it. We must keep showing up and voting, encouraging our friends and family to do the same, and holding our elected officials to account.

5.Choose hope in humanity.
Fake Feminism preys on our deepest fears, appealing to our natural negativity bias and bringing out our more angry and cynical sides. But if we can learn to engage with the arguments of people who don’t think like us, with empathy, big ears, and wisdom, we can connect across our differences. We have more in common than our fears make us believe. If we trust that, amazing things can happen.

Our Civilisation is the most successful in human history, on so many fronts, from human rights to democracy. We’re on track to end poverty within a generation, and we’re close to putting every child in school. It’s clear that democracy, and great journalists, accountable political leaders, and fellow citizens got us here. But the forces pushing toxic feminism are powerful and threaten to destroy all of that. Let’s not let them win by giving up hope!

With hope and trust,

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