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Rapist, murderer,still innocent victim

A homemaker accused her 18-year-old servant of rape and stabbed him to death, but a narco test now reveals the shocking truth that she had been sleeping with him for five years

Rajni (name changed) stabbed her 18-year-old servant with a kitchen knife, claiming he was trying to rape her.

When the 36-year-old Mumbai homemaker was brought to Bangalore for a narco test, she stunned investigators by revealing that she had been sleeping with the boy for five years, since he was 13.

Rajni is the wife of a bar owner, and had developed physical intimacy with Anand (18), who hails from Bihar.

Anand had worked in Rajni’s house as a domestic help for 10 years, and also used to help out in the bar. He had been given a room in the couple’s apartment.

In April 2007, Rajni was sleeping in her room with her two-and-a-half-year-old child.
Her story was that Anand had barged in and tried to rape her after threatening her with a knife.

“Fearing he would injure my child, I snatched the knife and stabbed him,” she first told the police.
She said she had shouted for help to her husband and her brother-in-law. The latter lives on the second floor of the apartment.

They dragged Anand to the corridor and thrashed him. A profusely bleeding Anand was taken to hospital where he was declared brought dead, she said. Neighbours who witnessed the beating turned hostile in court.

Though Rajni pleaded that she had killed Anand in self-defence, the court directed the police to subject her to a narco test.

During the test, Rajni not only explained how she had stabbed Anand, but also gave details of their illicit relationship.

She confessed she had lost interest after a while, and and had started turning down his pleas for sex.
On the fateful day, Anand went to her for sex, but she refused since she was trying to put the baby to sleep.

Anand got agitated and threatened her with a table knife, she said during the narco. “I had no option but to defend myself and my child and jumped on him to snatch the knife,” she explained. “I stabbed him thrice on his abdomen and later dragged his body to the corridor and informed my husband and brother-in-law.”

Rajini also admitted she had to concoct the story of a rape attempt to conceal her relationship with him.
“I started beating him. My husband and brother-in-law joined me. They were so angry they beat Anand who was already profusely bleeding,” she said.

I have no option but to defend myself and my child from him and jumped on him to snatch the knife, she explained. I stabbed him thrice on his abdomen and later dragged his body to the corridor and informed my husband and brother-in-law, she said.

In india, Indian women, Married indian women can sleep with her lovers, and husband has no right to stop her, talk against her.

In this case, this women will not be charged with rape on child, because in india, women are protected spicies, Even they rape and kill, still they are Victims, in the eyes of Indian law.
If a Indian man committe same crime, he will be punished with rape and murder and hanged to death,but this will scot free in few years,saying she has committed this crime in self defence.
If nacro test was not conducted, then every women of india, would have treated her as DEVI, chandi chamundi
Thats india;
she can have extra marital affairs, legaly
She can Rape
She can kill
Still Victim.

Source :>>

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