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Judge orders $11M for dancer Flatley

  LOS ANGELES – A woman who accused dancer Michael Flatley of sexual assault has been ordered to pay him more than $11 million for making false allegations to extort money from him, according to documents obtained Monday.

Superior Court Judge Michael L. Stern found that real estate agent Tyna Marie Robertson had defamed and intentionally inflicted emotional distress upon Flatley, 49, who appeared in “Riverdance,” “Lord of the Dance,” “Feet of Flames” and “Celtic Tiger.”

Robertson had alleged Flatley raped her in a Las Vegas hotel in 2002 and threatened to sue unless he agreed to pay a “seven figures” settlement, according to court papers.

Police declined to press criminal charges, and Flatley said the sex was consensual.

Robertson then filed a $33 million lawsuit in Illinois alleging sexual assault, but it was dismissed.

Flatley countered with a lawsuit against Robertson and her lawyer D. Dean Mauro claiming extortion, intentional infliction of emotional distress and defamation.

The California Supreme Court held in July 2006 that Mauro had committed extortion, and he settled the case by making “a substantial payment” to Flatley, according to a statement from the dancer’s lawyer, Ricardo P. Cestero.

The judgment order against Robertson formalized a ruling made by Stern during a hearing this month.

Flatley plans to donate any recovery on the settlement to charity, Cestero said.

Telephone numbers for Robertson and Mauro were not listed.

Robertson is the ex-girlfriend of Chicago Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher, and the two have battled in court themselves over their young son, Kennedy.
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