Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

COMPLAINT Against Justice Rajiv Shakdher and others

To: UOI/PM/SC/CJI/Law Ministery/WCD/NCW/Bar council

In India women are termed as DEVI, She is the mother goddess in Hinduism. She is also part of Tridevi which consists of Lakshmi, Parvati (goddess of power, fertility, love, beauty), and Saraswati (goddess of music, wisdom, and learning). In the ancient scriptures of India, all women are declared to be embodiments of Lakshmi.

Whereas married women are respected as Sati Savitri who fought with Death God for her husband.

“Savitri used the power of her dedication to her husband Satyavan to prevent Yama, the god of the dead, from taking him when he was fated to die”

In ongoing PIL on Marital rape at Delhi High court

  • Lawyer Karuna Nundy and Justice Rajiv Shakdher of Deli High Court compared Noble Wife (married women) to a sex Worker (Prostitute)

Out that the rape laws grant no exemption in case of forced intercourse with a sex worker who chooses to withdraw consent at a belated stage, wondering why then should a wife be “less empowered”. They said

  • By comparing women to a sex worker both Justice Shakdher & lawyer Karuna Nundy and others not only insulted married Women, outraged their modesty for vested interest supporting who are against sacred institute of marriage.
  • Delhi HC has appointed 2 Amicus Curies Raj Shekhar Rao and Rebecca John. Both are expected to assist the court with neutral view but to the contrary both are showing their extreme bias. In the past; Rebecca john has expressed her biased view on this issue in support of Lawyer Nundy.


  • Direct Bar Council of India and Delhi Bar Council to cancel the advocate license of Karuna Nundy, Rebecca John and initiate the strict action against her for insulting married women and outraging the modesty of married women
  • Honorable Supreme Court of India should take Suo Moto action against Justice Rajiv Shakdher
  • Government of India should initiate the impeachment proceeding against Justice Rajiv Shakdher
  • National Commission of India should issue notice against both Karuna Nundy and Justice Rajiv Shakdher
  • Public apology from all above.



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