Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

THIS IS INDIA – Laws of the Land.

Can anyone show me if Indian government ever enacted any Single Law which benefit common man?
Most of the Laws copied from British.

Government keep on boasting intelligence of Indians, but so far no one born to redraft our own laws.

All laws to control common man making them fear of law.

BAIL is largest Legal LOOT, there is nexus between Lawyers and Judges to make money in the name of Bail. Politician and Powerful get bail in a Minute, but common man suffer.

Husband and Wife mutually agree to be Divorced but Law will drag it for years.

Whole Child custody can be written simple one para “Both Parents equally responsible for upbringing of the Child” but our law separate Child from one parents mostly Father, even Mother is Prostitute or murderer, so she can make money in the name of Child.



13 thoughts on “THIS IS INDIA – Laws of the Land.

  1. The answer for all this is vote and note. Please note that feminism is part of the agenda of unseen anti national agenda, to wreak the country. Just understand this, will you have the time and resources to think about the nation, when one is busy running behind courts, and the opponent is happy counting her moolah, which she got without any efforts for the same. If things have to change cast your vote for someone who promises to make laws gender neutral and stop buying products endorsed by feminists… buy products which are not gender biased

  2. The problem is most of common people are not aware of their rights and how to get them. Only the person wearing the shoe knows where it pinches. This analogy is apt as people rarely bother to join social causes as they dont see a direct benefit and the person suffering is drained by the legal and juducial process to fight a cause.

  3. Actually we live in a country of Morons who are led and judged by Morons be it Police Leaders Judges, all are working to spoil families by making and implementing laws which totally favor BAHU (daughter in law) and at the same time make life of MEN and their family members (including female relatives) hell. They are making fatherless society. All the corrupt need sperm and money from MEN. Being Indian Man gives you Criminal tag only…..INDIAN MEN BORN CRIMINAL. If anyone wishes to earn Money and Popularity in India then they just need to Bark about WOMEN and you are Hero overnight. Make false accusations of Rape Dowry Molestation and whole Bhaand media police judges will make life of the accused MEN hell. Welcome to India….Land of fake cases.

  4. For Govt. Employees “Jail for a day means suspenson from job untill proven innocent”, old parents about to retire if trapped in women centric laws 498A;DV etc their hard earned pension also goes for a toss.
    Forget about pvt.employees “Termination” is sure shot & finding a new job is another challenge with a criminal case on your head.

    Bail at any cost is the only option left whether they are guilty or not bail has to be sought for proving innocence.

    Most of the ministers are lawyers who can opt for change but a change will hamper their income.

    “Can accused persons protest?”

  5. Neither the government, nor the judiciary nor the so called investigating agency(police) care one iota for the truth . For all of them they are doing their job!!!! With no thought of the consequences of their actions / inaction. Every one is only interested in his / her job even if they run around in circles like dogs chasing their tails truth ,justice ,compassion are mere bystanders to their clamour for money and power. What sick joke played on the common man!

  6. It should be noted that in schools you are taught all things but about general laws and rights.
    we now see a LLB tag holder everywhere as it is understood that common people simply fear in name of court and police.
    Irony is both are brought into society to remove fear of unlawfull and illegal ways of certain people.

  7. India is a country where laws are made after searching for loopholes so as soon as the law is made, it can be twisted and used as per the whims and fancies of the lots who drafted it.

    Also if judiciary becomes pro-active, curbing the menace of wrongs done by laws, the so called mai-baap of the people will come forward in lure of vote bank politics to undo the right done. In last few months or years, the ethics of constitution of India has died unnatural death.

    Last but not the least, the torch bearers of the law wearing black coat will (mis)guide you to the fullest to loot the hard earned money.

  8. Land of laws, I suppose not.
    I used to a man who has his status as “proud indian” which is now changed to ???? ?????,
    Once anyone knows the reality of our laws which are made to fill the pockets of judge, lawyers and women without any efforts.
    In the name of women empowerment these law’s has been targeted men and there families, and harsh thing is as men we don’t try to understand till we are in the same shoe.
    72000 men sucide are ignored and overcome by 27000 women sucide in 2015.
    Govt don’t care for rights, we have to wait till we become a bigger vote bank for political parties.
    Today I am ashamed that I live in a country when men by birth is marked a rapist and criminal. We men are guilty until proven innocent, I mean which other county does this.
    In end what I have to say is “???? ?????” it’s all left in india.

  9. Indian Judiciary is flooded with false cases. In India law gender biased law are in totally misused in every section. There is no strict action against law abuser. Abuse of the process of law is so simple and fearless that lawers are taking huge advantage of it.

  10. Agreed, all prevailing sections are just copied from Britishers. Since independence no amendments are being made despite a clear picture on misuse of laws like 498a etc. Everyone is corrupt and lawyers themselves knows the loopholes of courts.

    Indian men are just ATM machines and will remain till the time laws are not gender based.
    Really embarrassing to be seeing men being tortured and harassed by fake cases by women.

  11. This is mera bharat mahan whr a innocent sent to jail until he prove his innocence .
    This is india whr no proof required for a girl to file any fake or false case to destroyed the carrier of a comman man just to harras him and exhaust money for her enjoy

  12. Soon slogan will be converted to “Beti bachavo, beti padhao and FAKE CASES BADHAO”.

    Gender biased laws spoiling families and culture. No one is ready to listen innocent, WIFE’s sentences are god truth as per INDIAN laws.

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