Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Lust Of Indian Women

Presently premarital and extra-marital sex has become common because of feminist`s propaganda of women`s empowerment and newly crafted women`s protection lawThe feminists financed by National Commission for Women; have sold their souls. They maintain and justify, whatever they are teaching in the name of “liberation” and “empowerment” is women`s right.Tremendous moral decay and total loss of values brought about by distorted versions of feminism has given rise in prostitution in posh hotels, especially among young college going girls. Such trends are spreading among the middle class girls, who were presumed to be beyond the clutches of such vices. In fact today young girls and even house wives are increasingly joining such vice rackets.The cause of such acute moral degradation in today`s women lies squarely at the doors of feminists who have vociferously mooted rampant pre-marital sex, extra marital sex , adultery and sexually cheating ones husband in the name of creativity and empowerment of women.When such role models are being deliberately created for the modern women to follow , it is not at all surprising that the modern woman deems it nothing wrong in satisfying the sexual perversity and fantasies of strange and unknown men in exchange for money and she is made to feel that she is being terribly liberated.Feminists are teaching women that indulging in wild sexuality,
having multiple pre and post marital sexual partners,having extra marital affairs,cheating on ones husband and joining call girl rackets constitute their road to creativity and empowerment.Feminists are also freely advising women to misuse specially crafted domestic violence laws actually introduced to protect the victims.
Under these laws, who-ever is accused and named by a woman is guilty till they prove themselves innocent. The entire family of accused is being arrested without bail and jailed without Enquiry or Investigation.What is being propagated in the name of feminism and blindly accepted by women is sickening, vulgar, pathetic, insane and defies all prudence and logic.How could women do it to other women and claim themselves to be “liberators” of woman kind

.Rahul Says It is true that in the name of women`s right , feminists are fighting to introduce a legislation so that prostitutes soliciting cannot be arrested. Thus our entire country will be converted into a prostitute`s den and we will find women prostituting in market places, bus stops, offices, malls etc. And we also find some men supporting these feminists and pretend that they are very liberal. In a decade or so our country will be converted into a Red Light District of Amsterdam

Satyajit Kumar Says:

In the name of women`s lib, women have suddenly lost their sense of judgement, values, morals and the capability to decide issues. Prostituting and joining call girl rackets have become common among educated women and even house wives are joining such rackets . If feminists are allowed to have their way then the entire country will become a red light area.

Nandini Modi Says:

I was aghast to learn that feminists are trying to legalise prostitution and want to pass a legislation where by call girls soliciting in public places will not be prosecuted. What is our country coming to? Has our government, politicians, bureacrats lost their senses and are pretending to show how “liberal” they are by supporting such wild and insane ideas promoted by a bunch of crazy women styling themselves as women libbers.Today moral values have hit such a rock bottom in the name of feminism that we have lost our sense of judgment.

Asmita Dey Says:

Feminists are responsible for the whole scale moral erosion of today`s women.As a result more and more married women today sexually lust for other men and have sex with other men behind the back of the unsuspecting husband. Many housewives today leave their homes on the pretext that they are working in some office and join call girl rackets. Most Young college going girls are into prostitution these days thanks to feminism and hence feminists want to legalise prostitution so that these women who are blindly following them do not get arrested. Feminists have ruined the attitudes of the Indian women .

Aditi Say:

While today most Young college going girls are into prostitution these days, most parents do not know what their daughters are up to.They come to know when it is too late. Once a young girl enters the sordid world of prostitution rackets, she is only sexually exploited by her clients and pimps, blackmailed and coerced to continue even if she wants to leave,runs the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS etc,has abortions , takes to drugs and ends up cheated, used, abused and mentally and morally dumped.And she is made to believe by her mentors i.e.feminists, that she is becoming empowered and multi-dimensional!Will women continue to be eternally cheated and betrayed, first by men and now by women themselves.

Vijayeta Vohra Says:

We have been so much indoctrinated by feminists ideas that we have lost the capacity to see through the arguments forwarded in the garb of feminism and correctly evaluate them and decide independently as to how much of such ideas are really helpful to women.It is a sorry state of affairs that women have been led to believe that prostituting paves the way for their empowerment and she becomes multi-dimensional. What has happened to women? Has she lost all sense of judgment ?

Falguni Chopra Says:

The moral degradation of today`s woman is shocking.And what is even more pathetic is that she has been tutored to believe that she has become empowered and multi-dimensional. What utter nonsense!!!!

Sudha Patel Says:

Today we are witnessing the phenomenon of teenage sex where school girls are indulging in group sex and oral sex with their boy friends. The minds of the persent generation has been totally corrupted in the name of feminism.If the desire of feminists to legalise prostitution and to enable call girls to solicit openly at all public places comes through , then we will soon witness the phenomenon of teenage prostitution as well. School girls will also have no qualms to join such sleaze rackets at the behest of their mentors i.e. feminists. Long live feminism !And let women be stripped of all her sense of values, morals , judgment and ethics!!!

Ragini Says:

It is pathetic that while boys are encouraged to display their creativity by being artists, painters, singers , explorers,musicians,today`s girls are being taught that their “creativity” lies in wearing exposing clothes and revealing her tits, having group sex, oral sex ( i.e. sucking a man`s penis),sexually cheating her husband and lusting for other men,prostituing in posh hotels and gratifying the carnal desires and sexual fantasies and perversities of strange and unknown men in exchange of money!!!!! And then she is being told that she has become MULTIDIMENSIONAL!!!!! HOW PERVERSE, SICK, MENTALLY RETARDED CAN FEMINISTS BE ?? HOW CAN THEY TAKE WOMEN FOR GRANTED AND EXPECT HER TO BLINDLY FOLLOW FEMINISTS??

Sunanda Sanyal Says:

It is true that today`s women have been made to believe that sucking a man`s penis, having sex with a group of men, watching pornography, hiring male strippers and male prostitutes is a highly “creative” activity, thanks to feminism.

Manisha Roy Says:

Sucking a man`s penis is creativity for women!! What has happened to the Indian woman??

Aditi Says:

What will feminists teach women next? There has been a tremendous moral degradation of the Indian woman in the last two decades. Today house wives are joining call girl rackets when the husband is away in the office,school girls are sucking their boy friend`s penis and taking photographs on the mobile( DPS incident), married women are lusting for other men and are indulging in multiple extra marital sexual relations and are using the husband`s house to lure in other men while the husband is in the office and educated college girls are frequenting hotels as call girls. The moral degradation of women is absolute and she is brainwashed into believing that she has become multi-dimensional. How sick can feminists become? Where are they leading women to???

Soma Says:

The minds of the modern woman needs to be vaccum cleaned of all the filth taught in the name of feminism


women have been so much brain washed by feminists that she is blindly accepting what ever feminists are saying as the gospel truth.

Gope Lalwani
For SaveFamily.

1 thought on “Lust Of Indian Women

  1. Feminists can say anything nonsensical they want. If they say that it is alright to jump from the terrace of a ten-storey building as it is a sign of freedom, will these women do so? Then how have the intelligence and power of discrimination of these women been hijacked? Are they so naive and brain-dead without the least semblance of self-respect in that they are so easily ensnared by a few rubbish sentences spoken by these feminist oxymorons? Ask these feminists to preach their “glorious ideology” in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Sudan, Qatar, Iran, etc., where the women are really suppressed and oppressed!

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