Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Paternity Fraud – Real Life Story of Dr J A Mathan

The Last day of Dr J A Mathan: The Players 

Dr J A Mathan was a good man and a good doctor, remembered by many!

His Mother Loved Dr J A Mathan

He was posted in Kollur Primary Health Centre in 1973 to 1974. His colleagues in the Kollur Primary Health Centre (near Yadgir) included the Compounder Shantharaj Redson and his SIX Sons including Sunil Redson.

Kollur Government Primary Health Centre, Chittapur District, Gulbarga

They all stayed in the same Residential Compound. Shantharaj Redson was the Neighbour in the Residential Compound.

Residential Block of the Kollur Primary Health Centre, Chittapur Taluk, Gulbarga (Near Yadgir)

There were many Threats to his life in Yadgir/Gulbarga, following which he requested to be posted to Bangalore.
The adulterous wolves followed  him to Bangalore.

18 October 1976 Chronology

Visitor 1: The Trap
The sister Saraswathi of Sworn enemy (Brother-in-law Sugumaran) made the last call to Dr J A Mathan to examine for a false complaint of Chest Pain (which she never had) for a Home Visit.

Sugumaran was Forced to Marry sister Rani (of Dr J A Mathan) in a Forced Shotgun Marriage in 1970 in KGF, after a public brawl with Dr J A Mathan in KGF.


Visitor 2
Sunil Redson visited Dr J A Mathan in Directorate of Health Services, Anand Rao Circle, Bangalore in the morning of 18 October 1975. (and every day for the Last Few days of the Murder of late Dr J A Mathan)

“Dr” Sunil Redson
 Sunil Redson is now a “Doctor” as well practicing in Yadgir, Karnataka (based on a forgery RMP Certificate issued in the name of Dr J A Mathan).

Dr J A Mathan was Murdered on 18 October 1975 in Austin Town

Dr J A Mathan

There are no records of F.I.R. (First Information Record), No Post-mortem records and No Death Certificate (before the Burial).

Dr J A Mathan was professing as an Adi Dravida Hindu at the time of his death, and was the son of J C Adimoolam (who was THE Adi Dravida leader of Karnataka).

There is No ADDRESS written in the Burial Register of late Dr J A Mathan (only for Dr J A Mathan) in St Patrick’s Church, Bangalore.

Death Register of Dr J A Mathan (No address)

The grave-stone of late Dr J A Mathan

They spit on my Grave!


The death Certificate saying Cause of Death “Accident” was produced by the brother of late Dr J A Mathan named J A Siddhu after the BURIAL of Dr J A Mathan.
No FIR or Post-mortem reports were submitted to the BBMP.

J A Siddhu
All the assets of late Dr J A Mathan (who died intestate) were misappropriated by Impostors.

Fast-Forward to the Future 2011

House of Quack Sunil Redson on 27 July 2011
(No Name Board outside House)
Opposite LIC Building, Station Road, Yadgir, Karnataka

Sunil Redson is a Quack practicing as a Doctor in Yadgir along with his Father Shantharaj Redson and his FIVE Brothers, since the Murder of late Dr J A Mathan since 1976 (without having Qualifications).

There is an ongoing investigation based on the Criminal Intimidation by Sunil Redson and his friend Threatening the Life and Limb of the Legitimate Daughter of Dr J A Mathan on 22 February 2011.

This enquiry was done based on the Threat to Life by someone from the Past of late Dr J A Mathan.

Sunil Redson Working under cover of a BAMS doctor since October 2011
Sunil Redson and his father Shantharaj Redson have been found not to be having the Licence to Practice by the “Karnataka Medical Council (KMC) and Medical Council of India (MCI).

KMC and MCI Conclude Sunil Redson and Shantharaj Redson are Quacks

The MCI and KMC Conclude the Enquiry

Sunil Redson Prescribes a Banned Drug Tab NISE (Nimulside): Prescribing a Drug Banned by the Government of India

Other Prescriptions by “Dr” Sunil  Redson
Prescription by “Dr” Sunil Redson with Signature and Date
In November 2011, Sunil Redson meets the “Inspector of Works,Yadgir Railway Station, Yadgir” and informs the Person responsible for Painting that “He’s not a Doctor” and to remove his name from the List of Doctors on the Notice Board in Yadgir Railway Station.
Painted Over
Present practice of Dr Sunil Redson (March 2012)
>> Communication From Police Inspector * * $$$$$$$
From: * * $$$$$$$  <*****@***.***.**>
Date: Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 5:27 PM
Subject: your email complaint dated 07/10/11
Dear Madam,
Your e-mail complaint to the Principal Secretary Home, Karnataka state,dated 07/10/2011 was attended by the undersigned. It is found that on verification of call records of mobile number 9739225456, that the said number  has called mobile no.9164603034 on 22/02/2011. Also the number is in contact with mobile number 9886032367.  The matter is further being refered through proper channel to ******** police station for further action in the matter.
This is for your kind information.
Warm Regards
* * $$$$$$$
Police Inspector
**** and ******

Note:Mobile number 9739225456 = Ramesh alias Srikanth Patil
Mobile no.9164603034 (ROSHNI MATHAN) Mobile number 9886032367 (SUNIL REDSON)

Sunil Redson and son 2011

Threatening calls (10 Mobile Phone Calls from Srikanth Patil alias Ramesh; on behalf from Sunil Redson)

09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 09:45:52 10
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 09:46:23 55
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 11:02:12 733
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 11:22:34 9
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 11:23:33 1729
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 12:23:16 823
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 13:37:10 777
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 13:50:36 399
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 16:04:07 876
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 16:22:58 568

09739225456 09886032367 14-FEB-2011 15:00:33 168
09739225456 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 11:19:34 140
09739225456 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 12:03:19 25
09886032367 09739225456 22-FEB-2011 12:13:03 4

09886032367 09739225456 24-FEB-2011 21:23:08 362
09886032367 09739225456 27-FEB-2011 10:59:04 22
09739225456 09886032367 27-FEB-2011 18:39:17 8
09739225456 09886032367 28-MAR-2011 09:58:23 46
09739225456 09886032367 28-MAR-2011 10:08:38 24
09739225456 09886032367 19-MAR-2011 08:49:21 25
09886032367 09739225456 20-MAR-2011 10:43:49 44
09886032367 09739225456 20-MAR-2011 10:57:59 64
09739225456 09886032367 28-MAR-2011 09:58:23 46
09739225456 09886032367 28-MAR-2011 10:08:38 24
Call records of Srikanth Patil alias Ramesh to and From Sunil Redson From 14 February to 28 March 2012


09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 09:45:52 10
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 09:46:23 55
09739225456 09035928468 22-FEB-2011 11:00:26 8
09739225456 09035928468 22-FEB-2011 11:01:15 36
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 11:02:12 733
09739225456 09742236568 22-FEB-2011 11:15:31 7
09739225456 098475443317 22-FEB-2011 11:16:34 11
09739225456 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 11:19:34 140
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 11:22:34 9
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 11:23:33 1729
09739225456 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 12:03:19 25
09886202399 09739225456 22-FEB-2011 12:04:10 8
09886032367 09739225456 22-FEB-2011 12:13:03 4
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 12:23:16 823
05658204652494544453 09739225456 22-FEB-2011 12:42:02 1
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 13:37:10 777
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 13:50:36 399
08095883409 09739225456 22-FEB-2011 14:03:24 193
056582436 09739225456 22-FEB-2011 14:50:56 1
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 16:04:07 876
09739225456 09164603034 22-FEB-2011 16:22:58 568
09739225456 09741616173 22-FEB-2011 17:04:40 23
09739225456 09880832390 22-FEB-2011 17:28:37 249
09739225456 09342333000 22-FEB-2011 17:37:19 186
08095883409 09739225456 22-FEB-2011 18:40:33 28
09035928468 09739225456 22-FEB-2011 19:36:42 29
09739225456 07259420407 22-FEB-2011 20:57:30 33
Ramesh 22 February 2011 Mobile Call Record
(Yellow Highlight-Dialed to Roshni Mathan; Green Highlight Phone calls to/from Sunil Redson)
09480462795 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 00:03:11 201   PRAKASH, YADGIR
09886032367 09480462795 22-FEB-2011 00:07:21 51
09742800618 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 05:45:32 12
09886032367 09742800618 22-FEB-2011 05:46:17 40
09742800618 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 05:47:41 121
09886045941 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 07:21:57 45
09916103290 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 09:22:54 24
09591154845 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 10:45:54 30
09739225456 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 11:19:34 140
09739536101 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 11:38:28 61
09916003235 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 11:50:23 29  Royal Medicals Pharmacy: Naveen, YADGIR= Nexus 
09886814726 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 11:55:16 7
09739225456 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 12:03:19 25
09886032367 09739225456 22-FEB-2011 12:13:03 4
09886032367 09916803161 22-FEB-2011 12:55:35 36
09886814726 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 13:31:32 9
09886032367 09742800618 22-FEB-2011 13:35:20 8              WHO OWNS THE MOBILE NUMBER 09742800618??
09886814726 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 13:51:22 17
09886032367 09742800618 22-FEB-2011 13:52:11 15
09886032367 08453347514 22-FEB-2011 15:29:23 88
08453341983 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 15:31:31 62
09916942282 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 16:26:07 16 Rajamani, YADGIR
09886032367 09916803161 22-FEB-2011 16:53:24 97
09886032367 09731045632 22-FEB-2011 17:41:46 100
09972374373 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 17:52:27 48
09972374373 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 17:53:47 12
09886032367 09739536101 22-FEB-2011 19:52:40 66
08123181575 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 19:54:17 172
09886032367 09886982463 22-FEB-2011 19:57:40 14   Mohammed, Yadgir
09886032367 09886982463 22-FEB-2011 19:58:20 51   Mohammed, Yadgir
09886032367 09880565472 22-FEB-2011 20:00:03 63 Srinivas, YADGIR
09886032367 09739536101 22-FEB-2011 20:01:30 40

09900843720 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 20:07:50 33  Madhusudan, YADGIR
09886982463 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 20:22:03 20  Mohammed, Yadgir
09845185167 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 20:32:53 28  Vinod, YADGIR
09900843720 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 20:35:07 17  Madhusudan, YADGIR
09886032367 09845838298 22-FEB-2011 20:42:56 67
09886039457 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 20:58:08 64
09845185167 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 21:27:10 14 Vinod, YADGIR
09901475222 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 21:31:53 54 Nanjundappa, YADGIR
09886982463 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 21:56:05 10 Mohammed, Yadgir 
09845185167 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 21:57:23 14 Vinod, YADGIR
09845185167 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 22:35:50 20 Vinod, YADGIR
09886045941 09886032367 22-FEB-2011 22:47:34 14
SUNIL Redson

Reproduced on request and with permission from Roshni Mathan Pereirs / Dr.Savio Pereira [ Source : http://voiceofwomenindia.blogspot.com/2011/12/last-day-of-dr-j-mathan-players.html ]

FINAL ORDER From Karnataka High Court Directing to Register FIR

1 thought on “Paternity Fraud – Real Life Story of Dr J A Mathan

  1. Thanks for the posting.

    Do support the Cause of “Paternity Fraud” against Husbands, Changes in Adultery laws punishing women and Changes in Format of the Birth Certificate.


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