Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

One Minister with real BALLS to Support Ministry for Men

A BJP member in the Lok Sabha today came out in support of “men suffering at the hands of their wives” and demanded setting up of a ‘Purush Aayog’ to deal with their grievances.
Raising the issue during the Zero Hour, Harinarayan Rajbhar, BJP lawmaker from Ghosi in Uttar Pradesh, said the government has constituted several commissions including the Mahila Aayog, but none to deal with the issues and problems faced by the menfolk.

“Many men are suffering at the hands of their wives and several of them are locked up in jails. I demand that the government set up a ‘Purush Aayog’ to resolve their issues and problems,” he said.

The entire House burst into laughter as Mr Rajbhar made the demand.

We found at last one Minister with Balls to raise voice for Men.


He is none other than

Rajbhar, Shri Hari Narayan
Constituency   :Ghosi (Uttar Pradesh)
Party Name     :Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP)
Email Address :harinarayan[DOT]rajbhar[AT]sansad[DOT]nic[DOT]in


Men’s rights activists preparing to send BANGLES to those who laughed,

2 thoughts on “One Minister with real BALLS to Support Ministry for Men

  1. my brother’s wife cheated on him. planned to kill him with her mother’s help and boyfriend suggest her audio recordings. 12 years of marriage ending like this. We filed a complaint against her but no one is writing an FIR. now she has filed the wrong 498A against my brother. Case is in the mediation center. Which means they are saying “WHY DON’T YOU COMPROMISE WITH THE PERSON WHO TRIED TO KILL YOU, OR ELSE WE ILL ISSUE FIR AGAINST YOU” really. MERA BHARAT MAHAN

  2. When Fake dowry harassment cases, Fake 498a cases are on a rise, then ultimately its Man who is a victim. Whats wrong in setting up “Purush Aayog”.

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