Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

TRUTH about Rape and Sexual Crime.

We are not trying to prove, or supporting rapists. As we also have Mother and Sisters. Its a Gender neutral view, As everywhere Women lobby groups propaganda says Every Man is Rapist; that’s what we are defending, against Womens false claims.

# marked statements are taken from Feminists Groups websites. who is encashing with other Women problems.

Why Women is raped..?

#Approximately 2/3 of assaults are committed by someone known to the victim.
#38% of rapists are a friend or acquaintance

When someone find her vulnerable or Available as a easy prey, she is Raped. so now the Question is why she is Available, because many of the time she goes willingly with man and have sex but later she report it as a Rape, and Government statistics count this as a Rape, and no one record it as a False rape and its impossible to man to prove it as False. Biased media/Law is not supporting man nor listening to him. in today’s world only Women is Victim and all men are Villains.
Other than this Many men/boys are raped too, but there is no place in Government or UN or any NGOs Statistics Record book. Why ?

#Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted, Every 40 minutes, someone in India is sexually molested.
As per crime report Statistics, rape crime is very low in India,still Indian women organizations make such big noise, and its highlighted all over the world more than U.S rape news.

#Approximately 28% of rape victims are raped by their husbands,
#74% of sexual assaults are perpetrated by assailants well known to the victim.
Why Husband will rape his wife….? Marriage is license to sex with wife(vise versa) but many Wives are not ready to satisfy their husband and they are interested in his money and Property only. and also Many women sleep willingly but next morning Cry Rape and no Legal system in the World support innocent man.
Majority men Above 30 years of age are not capable to have sex multiple times in a Day. If women is not ready Satisfy her man once a day at least why she wanted to be married.? she can get out of marriage, mutually. but she want his money for her 3 meals,(food/Cloth and shelter) why ?

#54% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police
If no one is reporting how that is counted as rape, from where this count comes if none reported; and endup in Statistics ? no need to say, its Feminists cooked up Stories.


We strongly support Harsh punishment for real rapists; Chop their Private Part and donate all their organs like kidney/one eye etc and Brand him on his forehead as Rapist.
and Gang rape those who report false rape and there should not be the Word RAPE in marriage.

2 thoughts on “TRUTH about Rape and Sexual Crime.

  1. I have been in relationship with a girl, she made promise for marriage , and later she refused, ——— in a span a year or so she did family planning and so on, we left each other , after one year we met again, she lived with me as wife, again she repeated the same thing, refused to get marry with me, now i have become a mental patient, and feel guilty for what i have done, i spoiled my carrier , my respect, my parents dream, and at last she made a complain against in police station that i am running after her—————- now my life sucked i can not complain to the police that a girl has raped my feelings, my soul, my thought process, my respect ———– now who will listen to me…………………… shall i die????????????? A big question for me…………….

  2. Die because of a Girl……? i can say because of a BIT## no way.
    you are not wearing Bangles, be brave, nothing lost so far. you have better life without her that what you have to prove now.
    You are lucky coz She left, we are not that lucky

    CHEERS, and enjoy life.

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