Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Researchers Leave Out Full Story for Agenda

This latest research, and media full court press, has unfortunately been covered much better in another study carried on the BBC last year, but not in such an agenda driven way as you are about to see in the article below. Previous research finds that women prefer effeminate men for the majority of their time, when they are in the non-breeding segment of menstruation (puff hair dressers etc.) . Then when in the high fertility portion of their cycle they switch to preferring the harder looking or traditional male characters, that are said to be less attractive in the distorted science driven article below.

The previous research also found that roughly 10% of females worldwide get an effeminate male to take care of harder males offspring by lying to them about the parentage. Kind of a Koo Koo bird method of passing on genes. What is so telling about this article below is how this is left out, leaving some less skeptical men thinking that it is normal to become effeminate, or to at least look more to a females liking (to be marriage material etc.).

Instead of referencing to this in the article the research is looked at in isolation and thus pushes the idea that women aren’t looking for a traditional male when planning to have offspring, or at least having the children born with his genes. Therefore they carry on the agenda that if men were smart they would dress and have cosmetic surgery to look more effeminate to be the real winners in the mating game ( just what mother said you should do when she wanted you to dress nice). It is reasonable to surmise that if a man is dressing like a woman wants, with no debate, it is unlikely he will resist other more important issues either.

What is also of interest is the fact of should we as a species center on looks as our guiding light of our society, even though obviously looks are the first step in any introduction. This is certainly what woman and the fashion industry desire it to be, for to ask women to center on character, and to look for character, seems to have been left out of both research and even commented on this article below. Women must buy buy buy on looks looks looks or companies will lose, lose, lose. Since this rag below is a tyical targeted & marketed article to females, they must therefore keep things to the women readers liking, unless men are reading such drivel instead of the sports section.

For MRAs this is pure agenda driven news, the likes that MRAs are used to, but the public seem total are oblivious too as Mangina men look at this and say, “Well these traditional males arent even liked by women so they are losers.” It seems some wish to rationalize their agenda over that of what nature really sees as necessary in the mating game. Who chooses whom is also left out here in this article, as men seem to be voting with their feet to not get married at all for some time, and women have always been the ones wanting and pushing marriage ( if you love me) to get married much more (very old fashion girls as they are, when it suits them).

LONDON (AFP) – Women see masculine-looking men as more unsuitable long-term partners but men with more feminine features are seen as more committed and less likely to stray, researchers said Wednesday. Scientists at the universities of Durham and St Andrews came to the conclusion by asking more than 400 British men and women to make judgments on character after looking at digitally-altered pictures of men’s faces.The web-based test asked participants to rate the face for traits such as dominance, ambition, wealth, faithfulness, commitment, parenting skills, and warmth.Men with square jaws, larger noses and smaller eyes were classed as significantly more dominant, less faithful, worse parents and as having less warm personalities. Those with finer facial features, fuller lips, wide eyes and thinner, more curved eyebrows on the other hand were viewed as a better bet for long-term relationships.And healthier-looking faces, for example those with better complexions, were seen as more desirable in terms of all personality traits compared to those who looked unhealthy. Older faces were also generally viewed more positively compared to younger ones. The scientists said there was a “high amount of agreement” between women about what they see in terms of personality when seeing a man’s face and they may well use their impression to decide whether or not to engage with him.”That decision-making process all depends on what a woman is looking for in a relationship at that time of her life,” said Lynda Boothroyd, from Durham Universitys Department of Psychology. Her colleague, David Perrett from St Andrews, said: “Our results contradict claims that machismo denotes fitness and disease immunity. Masculinity may buy you dominance but not necessarily tip top physical condition.”Instead women see a healthy guy as the source of wealth, and fit for family life.”The research is published in the latest edition of the journal “Personality and Individual Differences”.

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