Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Sexual abuse of Men, Horny Wives and Crazy laws

In India Women is portrayed as ABLA NARI, always abused, tortured and raped by their husband and his Family; and Feminists along with Women commission ministers boldly say all men come home drunk and rape their wives.

Indian Law, Judiciary along with Legal Terrorists, Feminists and Women ministry trying hard to prove all men are Rapists, Indian men think about sex every 7 seconds, any False Rape complaints also hit the headline, but after decades when man is acquitted of false rape case no media report it. There is more acquittal in Rape cases than convictions.

There is not only domestic violence on Indian men but there is Sexual abuse in every home. And men silently suffer, because it’s a shame for them to tell anyone.

I have seen many women call her Husband as impotent, eunuch etc.
At home they humiliate them calling they finish in seconds.
They taunt them calling them miniature Ps. etc

No one believes if they tell, their wives are sex maniacs or sexually abuse them.

If you read any news Paper or search Online, you will find at least once case per day about wife kill Husband, Wife killed husband with the help of paramour, Married women run away with Lover etc.

So women are not Victim of Sex but she is stronger sex and sex predator.

Here are the two best examples how Women are.

Point 15 – That after few days of the marriage the Respondent had started demanding the sex from the Petitioner in an unjust, unfair and , unreasonable manner and against the order and course of nature. The Petitioner noticed the fact that the Respondent used to apply honey on her breast and private part/organ of the body and the Respondent used to force and coerce the Petitioner against his will and consent to suck her breast and lick her vagina (private part) on honeymoon trip and after that also. The Respondent also forced the Petitioner to discharge his sperm on her lips and in between her breast so that the Respondent should feel happy and satisfied. Such unjust, unwarranted and irrational demand of sex on the part of the Respondent in a highly irrational manner had caused immense mental torture, pain, agony, suffering and set back to the Petitioner. The Respondent had also given the threat to the Petitioner that if the Petitioner will not satisfy the physical and sexual desire and wishes of the Respondent.
mujhe sirf or sirf sex karna hai our kuch nahi
Point 16 – That the Respondent used to give the Petitioner love bites on whole of his body, and it became very difficult for Petitioner to change his clothes in front of anyone. Respondent is sex maniac and just want sex, sex and only sex all the time. The Respondent herself said that “mujhe sirf or sirf sex karna hai our kuch nahi“. The Respondent was inspired by blue films and other porn material and also wanted the Petitioner to sec the same. The Respondent used to ask for anal sex, oral sex and different poses. Whenever the Petitioner was getting ready for the office, the Respondent used to remove his pants for her own and suck his penis very harshly and badly. The Respondent sometime told the Petitioner to read some books like kamasutra, so that the Petitioner can see different positions from the hook. The Petitioner has never said no for sex to the Respondent, but the Petitioner can not bear the unjust demands of the Respondent for unnatural sex and lusty behavior. The Respondent used to bring blue films at home and wanted the Petitioner to see those films and have sex in the poses shown in the movies. The continuous unjust and unwarranted demand for unnatural sex and lusty behavior.

and another Court Judgment on women Lust,demand for excessive sex.
News headline : Court grants man divorce over wife’s demand for excessive sex [Search for same heading on major news papers] Source : http://supari.org/excessivex/

So Indian Men not only need protection laws from False Cases but Protection from Sexual Abuse too.

2 thoughts on “Sexual abuse of Men, Horny Wives and Crazy laws

  1. domestic violence and sexual abuse decreases now a days but it still one of the most problem faced by the indian women…

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