Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

According To Science, Wives Are A Bigger Cause Of Stress For Husbands Than Children

It’s no surprise that men who are married with children are stressed. After all, they have to play some roles as a father and husband, cleaner, driver, Banker, ATM Machine, doctor, teacher, bodyguard, Police, Securityguard, Electrician, Technician, Porter and so much more. But, a recent survey found that more half of men find their wives more stressful than their kids.

In a survey done by mynation.net, which interviewed more than 7,000 Indian husbands/fathers from the all over the world, they found that on average, most husbands/fathers would rate their stress levels at an 9.9 out of 10. According to the same study done by MyNation, more half of men/husbands/fathers (76 percent) found that their wives caused them more stress than their children did!

One of the causes of this stress was revealed in the fact that around 75% of men that answered the survey reported they do the majority of the stressfull domestic works, parenting even after coming home exhusted after office work. That means that only 25% of men feel their partners do an equal share or the majority of the parenting and other household duties, as she can rest any time as she is at home, leaving men stuck doing more than their fair share.

And finally, researchers in that MyNation survey found that 1 in every 5 fathers said that a major source of daily stress was feeling like they didn’t have enough time in the day to get everything done that needed to be done, in part because of a lack of support from their partners. It should be no surprise that this was particularly true in men who also work hard outside of the home to pay all the bills yet still shouldered most of the work around the house.

Many men reported that some of their stress came from the simple fact that their wives acted like overgrown children. It meant they had, even more, responsibilities around the home since they also needed to care for their wives even though it was their wives that they should have been able to look to for support.

This is far from the only research that supports the claim that men are more stressed by their wives than wives are by their men. According to the University of Puduva in Italy, these stress levels actually play a role later in life within the marriages as well as in health and longevity. These researchers found that majority married men die early than their wives, the wifes health tends to deteriorate while when a husband loses his wife he tends to become healthier and shows improvement in dealing with stress and depression.

While the researchers at the University of Puduva were unable to come up with a deciding factor as to why this was the case, they speculated that the cause was because female partners relied more heavily on their male partners than vice versa.

The most important thing both men and women can do when faced with these facts is to ask “What can be done about this?” The truth is, there is a lot that can be done to solve this problem, no matter how stressed out a woman may be or how immature her husband may act. Both partners need to be willing to step up to the plate and be prepared to do what it takes to solve this growing problem.

First and foremost, a conversation must be had. Wives need to open up to their husbands about how they’re feeling stressed about the way the household and parenting duties are divided, and wives must be prepared to genuinely listen to those concerns and be prepared to work with their husbands to find a solution that will work for the whole family. women think managing space between four walls is bigger than men work hard amoung stangers to ends meet and pay bills.

One of the best ways to reduce the stress a man is feeling because of his wife is to make sure the household and parenting duties are divided evenly, taking equal responsibility in finance as most of the women bring nothing when they marry, most of the time house car and all household items purchased by men, struggling hard. To start, couples should make a list of all the daily, weekly, and monthly household chores that need to be done and make sure that each partner is pulling their weight.

Wives need to learn to trust their husbands with household duties. Many times, this is the reason that the husband is doing everything. She doesn’t believe her husband to do it correctly or the way she would like it to be done, so she start to pinpoint his mistakes or find mistakes in everything. When a man agrees to do a particular household duty, it’s essential for the wife to step aside and allow him to do it, even if it’s not done “right.”

21 thoughts on “According To Science, Wives Are A Bigger Cause Of Stress For Husbands Than Children

  1. Bear a child for nine months inside your flesh and look after it then after, you will surely know what exhaustion is. There is no survey which show men to be more stressful than women, atleast not in India. Reading your articles, I doubt if you ever experienced mother’s love. Postpartum depression is common in women (most in India), and during this time they need more love and care, just like the new born. It isn’t simple to understand a woman, it’s not rocket science either. We are all humans afterall, if no gender discrimination. It’s important to understand from the other side as well. I’m not sure what you went through or what you are going through, but your ideologies are not clear.

    -A fellow Indian

  2. @ A fellow Indian
    The topic discussed here is completely different than what issue you are trying to pull in. I am sorry, but this article is all about certain issues faced by most married men today and how these can be sorted out together. Nothing more than that.


  3. I disagree with your points, if your logics are right why number of Men who commit suicide are more than double the number of women.

  4. Dear fellow Indian,

    Every Indian is a human and so are all genders on this earth. Appreciating your view that women do carry the baby in their warm belly most cases with love and affection as our mothers did, and I wish you should know this bearing of the pain as you said is a blessing that women crave for and that’s the nature in itself is working on the form of a mother who was once a daughter, sister etc. As long as only giving birth to a baby was the case perhaps your statement would be a little well too. We cannot know why nature let only feminine gender to give birth to the offsprings and why not a masculine, perhaps nature knows whom to let what.

    We too all have received the warmth of our mother’s wombs and that’s why everyone of us are infinitely debted to our mothers not just bcoz she brought us to this world, bore the pains, fed and nurtured us but bcoz she’s the one whose lap was our infanthood, that naturally brings the rever to mothers.

    Before she became the mother, she was a daughter of her mother and a father who then were a wife of our father as she enters the family life. Now the father, who in Indian scenario specially is plethora of all kinds of extrernalities to hold the family intact (I wish you too might have a bought of this experience). We need not look deeply in to how he ensures to hold and bring his family safe and secure. He too is an emotional being too. As long as he has the commitments towards his mother and father at least he welcomes a newcomer called his wife happily to further beautify his life (most forget to say “Her life too”). This perhaps was the way our grannies and their grannies had lived and died being ONE with her husband and his parents. For this they never had a feeling that there must be a law to tell them and their families as to how to live, what to do what not to do. They were in fact immensely happy souls that we now envy. Not that they just bore children and did the households. They were achievers too in the frames that their husbands couldn’t. So we have all our unpaid debts to our mothers and motherly women and because they were out father’s favorites too. Even our mothers and grannies had voices, and they were never suppressed. They were heard about the respected and were followed too. Their voice quality was all to support their family, logical and valid. That was our glorious past.

    The current realm of family affair has more taken a stand that’s not ours. The same feminine wives and same mothers, the same duties, same masculine husbands, same air and water, but the psyches have either been corrupted or have been too over ambitious or been vandalized.

    Wives now don’t have the voices or they dint want to be heard rather they dint want others just to listen to them. They no more want to remain just a loving wife and an affectionate daughter in law nor do they want to bear and give children out of dutifulness or love.

    They have suddenly become enlightened to count their rights. They have completely forgotten the duty side. They think that they too can fight (our grannies too fought, alas but to protect their family). This new spirit of fighting and the weapons they are given in their hands is to kill and destroy their own family. There are few women who lead this mission of self destruction. These leaders mostly don’t have anything called families or bindings.

    I don’t want to blame all other women who are still the inspirations to lives of many people.

    Law on the other hand been taking Toll with no logical call to look at tye world like humane.

    We all respect everyone especially women who were/are the real mothers of affection of their children. They now seem to have come a new way living life which no matter could destroy their own children (and you call 9 months of toil). No mother toiled 9 months with so much love for her kid will let the kid’s father rot in remote destitution who is her husband that she forgot for no valid reason known.

    This is the story of all the victims pulled to the court for nothing. It’s the new feminine ego that’s better not marry but live the way they like without husbands.

  5. Hello Fellow Indian
    Have gone through your thoughts and do appreciate them. However it seems your thoughts are only sided and does not captured the complete vision u tried to enlighten with your thoughts.
    Yes ,we do agree that a women nourishes a child for 9 months in her womb and she is most stressful than man.
    You have forgetten that for those 9 months,her husband goes through same stress and does his best to provide a comfortable,secure atmosphere for his wife ,as they both are preparing themselves to expand their family and both equally are happy and stressful for same.
    If a woman carries a baby in her womb,the man also carries the complete responsibilities of well being of their family and does his best to provide a secure atmosphere for his family.
    This is a life cycle which is being going on from ages and will continue forever. Perhaps nowdays the thinking of new generation females ,I quote” some percentage not all” takes this responsibility as a burden on themselves and thus treat their husbands as if they only have done contribution for their family and husband has no role played for it.
    A female when became a mother,should then understand more to take care of his husband as well ,as that guy is also a child of some lady. Similarly that lady is also a child of some another lady. So post children are born,the mothers and fathers both had to contribute equally for the well being of their families and no ego should come on between both sexes..
    Reality is ,nowdays a girl thinks by doing marriage,giving birth to children is like some thing which has never happened in anyone’s life ,so she should be treated with extraordinary acts,which a normal human being here man does not understand as for him ,these are the duties which has to be followed as decided by super powers long back. The guy always respect her wife ,even more when she became the mother of his children,however the behaviour of nowdays ladies is totally changed and they do not understand the love affection given by his husband and his family .
    This is the reason , relationship are stressful these days and a husband who now has different responsibilities on his head i.e to take care of his old age parents,take care of his family and to take care for the future needs and security of his family and is always under burden of his duties but still he feels himself lucky to have all those duties to fulfill.
    The happiness of this husband vanishes,when the support, care he requires from his wife is missing and she is only limited to her own happiness and requirements.
    The irony is,this husband cannot complains his sufferings, share his responsibilities with anyone as in that case that husband will be branded as a looser in this society. Whereas the women enjoys her veto i.e Abla Nari and she can complain anywhere that she is not cared by his husband and she wants her proper care and our law of land supports that. But no one question that lady, had she discharged her duties with honesty or not.
    Everyone question a male ,no one dares to question a female, thus these are the reasons why a male always feel more stressful than a female .
    The husband is also a son,brother and father in relationship to a female but no one cares or respect that person when wife of that husband alleges fake, weird allegations on his husband just to satisfy her ego and a blanket cover on them that ,all wrong doings are done only by their husbands only and thus these are some basic reasons why this husband feels more stressed than his wife.

    Son,brother, husband,father

  6. Hello Fellow Indian
    Have gone through your thoughts and do appreciate them. However it seems your thoughts are only sided and does not captured the complete vision u tried to enlighten with your thoughts.
    Yes ,we do agree that a women nourishes a child for 9 months in her womb and she is most stressful than man.
    You have forgetten that for those 9 months,her husband goes through same stress and does his best to provide a comfortable,secure atmosphere for his wife ,as they both are preparing themselves to expand their family and both equally are happy and stressful for same.
    If a woman carries a baby in her womb,the man also carries the complete responsibilities of well being of their family and does his best to provide a secure atmosphere for his family.
    This is a life cycle which is being going on from ages and will continue forever. Perhaps nowdays the thinking of new generation females ,I quote” some percentage not all” takes this responsibility as a burden on themselves and thus treat their husbands as if they only have done contribution for their family and husband has no role played for it.
    A female when became a mother,should then understand more to take care of his husband as well ,as that guy is also a child of some lady. Similarly that lady is also a child of some another lady. So post children are born,the mothers and fathers both had to contribute equally for the well being of their families and no ego should come on between both sexes..
    Reality is ,nowdays a girl thinks by doing marriage,giving birth to children is like some thing which has never happened in anyone’s life ,so she should be treated with extraordinary acts,which a normal human being here man does not understand as for him ,these are the duties which has to be followed as decided by super powers long back. The guy always respect her wife ,even more when she became the mother of his children,however the behaviour of nowdays ladies is totally changed and they do not understand the love affection given by his husband and his family .
    This is the reason , relationship are stressful these days and a husband who now has different responsibilities on his head i.e to take care of his old age parents,take care of his family and to take care for the future needs and security of his family and is always under burden of his duties but still he feels himself lucky to have all those duties to fulfill.
    The happiness of this husband vanishes,when the support, care he requires from his wife is missing and she is only limited to her own happiness and requirements.
    The irony is,this husband cannot complains his sufferings, share his responsibilities with anyone as in that case that husband will be branded as a looser in this society. Whereas the women enjoys her veto i.e Abla Nari and she can complain anywhere that she is not cared by his husband and she wants her proper care and our law of land supports that. But no one question that lady, had she discharged her duties with honesty or not.
    Everyone question a male ,no one dares to question a female, thus these are the reasons why a male always feel more stressful than a female .
    The husband is also a son,brother and father in relationship to a female but no one cares or respect that person when wife of that husband alleges fake, weird allegations on his husband just to satisfy her ego and a blanket cover on them that ,all wrong doings are done only by their husbands only and thus these are some basic reasons why this husband feels more stressed than his wife.

    Stressed Son,brother, husband and father

  7. A lot of men are going through stress despite of taking care of wives during and after pregnancy as well as life long economical support.
    Pregnancy effects are not life long.
    Men naturally cannot bear child for nine months so using that excuse and giving license to women to increase their expectations beyond humanity for life long is not the option.
    It is true that historically women were dominated by men and with men having responsibility of earning.
    Now instead of balance society is becoming women dominated without responsibility of any kind?
    Many men are facing stress and depression because they have responsibility to provide economical support, love , comfort, control over children without asking anything in return, are they not human beings?
    Women can legally leave husband, file false cases leaving him harassed for years specially if she leaves with kids and ask for maintenance/interim maintenance without giving anything in return and taking away not only husbands right but child rights to receive love from father.
    In many cases only reason is unsolved minor disagreement with husband. One of the example is you regularly forget my/my dad’s/my mother’s birthday, you are not agreeing on going out this week end… endless expectations

    Not all individuals are same, some are good some are bad comparatively. But assuming all women are good and all men are bad and creating perception in society to create gender biased laws is trigger to destruction of society.
    Every relation is give and take. If men always have to give and women need not then the day is not very far when nobody would like to get married and institution of marriage will loos its existence and eventually important pillar of our culture we are proud of.

    Can you please suggest every man here what to do in following situation?
    Assuming husband taking earning responsibility for family,
    wife says “I have more right over children, I have right on you, I do not care about your parents/family, you have to respect my family, I want full time maid for household work, I cannot contribute to manly work like keeping track of insurance policies (individual, vehicles, etc), savings for future, taking care of vehicle maintenance, maintenance of household instruments in case they break down, I might give you sexual satisfaction in bed inly if I like it but I am legally free to sleep with other men and criminal charges should be on the other men I had sex with, You can try to prove adultery to get rid of me but I will see how do you do it, even if you bear my and kids maintenance.

    Everything is psychological and driven by thinking. If there are so many options to deal with bad husband, what are the options to deal with bad wife?
    I believe here in this forum people are trying to help each other find out how to deal with bad wife after fulfilling husband responsibilities.

    My view about society:
    Our society has already created an environment where individuals are judged based on caste, religion, social status, wealth status, language and gender. Is it not destruction of culture and society?
    They say Indian culture is the oldest and lasted longest compared to any other cultures in the world due to more strengths in the culture than weakness. Every generation modifies culture based on their exposure.
    Now question is, are we changing culture in such a way that our weakness will be high and our strengths will be low?

  8. It is surprising to see many being moved by my comment 🙂 and most saying it to be a one-sided argument. I am a man, in modern India, learnt and earning, most importantly studying and trying to change the role of a modern woman and the mindsets of modern Indian population. And if I’m not wrong, you might as well encountered a greater number of bad men as the number of women you are referring here. It is different, when someone points out an individual and not generalizing to a group. If a woman has affected your life negatively, women in general should not be blamed for it. I was disappointed to see “women” / “wife” being generalized in all statements in the article or other articles here.

    And, I agree to the law being biased, yet important to remain biased at this point in India. The number of unregistered women marital abuse cases in India is higher than these false cases against men. Most women in India go through mental/physical torture since birth (as a part of the Indian culture), significant rise in rural areas. They lack education, typically questioned by parents or in-laws, still 80% woman in India beg their husbands for money to fulfill their or the family’s basic needs. Even a learnt woman, capable of standing on her own feet, is made to bow down before the in-laws and husband. Nature has given women less strength physically, yet strong enough to be a woman, to bleed every month, and bear a child for 9 months in her womb – multiple times. We are lucky to be born as men, to be treated with more care as children, given more attention, and to be physically strong by nature when compared to the opposite sex. A country like India, which has criminalized the most non-sensical triple talaq recently, has more such steps to take before reaching a time where women are considered no less than a man at any point, when girl child is welcomed into this world with the same love, given education to be as wise and physical education to be as strong as men. It is mindsets of both men and women that needs to be changed.

    To the question many have asked, about how should the false complaints be dealt. Firstly, I wonder if you ever questioned your self before marrying her?! If arranged, I’d still say men have an upper hand to chose the bride. I have seen many educated women colleagues who understand and manage every single work without the help of a man; And seen men, including myself, who share all work and responsibilities with our better halves – from cooking and cleaning to financial matters. It’s less burden to both that way. It’s saddening when the main motto of marriage is missed now a days, it’s not just the Indian way of sex, family and children, but its to hold on with love for an entire life-time. How foolish is it when a life partner is chosen over a cup of chai, following “the Indian culture”. It is your decisions, that make your destiny! Oh, I wish this social obligation of marriage would end sooner.

    I am sorry for all of you, who were deceived, and are undergoing separation. It is painful, if you have really not taken dowry nor have abused your wife in any possible way. Considering it is, may you have the strength to fight for your self . All the love you have only given, will come back to you soon. I also wish, the opposite sex is not disrespected here.

  9. Im sorry for you fellow Indian, and for you situation.

    there is no treatment for your blindness.

    Please answer if you have balls Why NCRB shows more than 85% acquittal in 498A / PWDVA cases

  10. Hey fello Indian !!
    Tera bhi number aayega.
    I really hate #Feminazis and #MANginas .

  11. @fellow Indian…

    Dude u r lucky to see the rosy picture of the coin…y don’t u experiment and get in contact with either of our wives. Considering Ur intellectuality I am sure u will soon realise the dirt of the other side of the coin.
    Btw by looking at the follow up comments u can easily make out that the other side of the coin is really not that rosy.

  12. @fellow Indian..I must say u r lucky enough to experiencing the rosy side of the coin. Just try to check the ground reality by visiting the lower court, family court in Ur city and if possible nearby cities as well…I can bet Ur thinking will change and u will realise the level of dirt piled up on other side of the coin.

  13. Dear Indian, Firstly I’m not in a situation to be sorry for as you are, secondly – having balls do not make you a hero, thirdly – a mere number do not quantify the happenings.

    Dear Lalit Sharmma, Sure, let your hate be to yourself and not hinder in opening your closed mind 🙂

    Dear Gagandj, Yes my side of the coin is rosy enough and I’m sure I will not lead myself into a situation where you have got into. Well, you shouldn’t expect your side to be rosy for what you’ve done. You have chosen your path, no one stops you too.

  14. Dear fellow indian, were you ever asked by your wife, to undergo a sex change, were you propagated that you are a gay, were you ever called a beggar by your in-laws family, because you are struggling financially, were you ever called an eunuch because your wife is not getting pregnant due to her pcod, you are an **** *** you don’t have the right to talk, you feminist anti national… you would have been several years back if you faced what we are going through…

  15. @Fellow Indian
    I totally now understood your thinking and specially your motives.
    To give such speeches n lessons are very easy when u yourself has not tasted the poison which all other men are going through.
    If u have balls,guts request any one of your modem india female friends to file one fake complaint against u as well. U no need to do anything just ask her to go to police station and given any statement against u.
    Then just wait for some time and enjoy the music of this system and them we all aggrieved,tartured , stressed men will give a warm reception to please come on this forum and to again give your great comments on the modern India feminism u being advocating here.
    True person are those who give their verdicts only after they enjoy the same venom which other has been forced to drink.

    Best of luck and waiting for your challenge to complete..

  16. Dear fellow indian you are the kind of fellow a feminazi terrorist who will say india is responsible for the chaos in kashmir, and india has to vacate kashmir and gift it to jihadis… And give bharat ratna to maulana masood azhar… Don’t worry #meetoo will reach you soon…

  17. I’m sure I’ll behave myself than pull myself into such situation. If it comes, I do not blame the entire female race for it. The person behind it, a man or a woman, needs to be punished, no matter what. Even now, after all the hate and bad words from you all, I still hope you get what you deserve and justice to all.
    I’ve commented this, just seeing how women in general are blamed upon in the article, and not to taunt your background.

  18. You know what, if you notice we are not against women, we are against #feminazis and #manginas those anti national local jihadis who are anti women too.. those who know how to emotionally and socially suppress women in the guise of #womanempowerment. #jaihind

  19. Amazing article. I hope my wife comes across this. To begin with – i agree this does not reflect all 100% of the women out there. Some one has referred to post partum depression – if that’s the case – i want women to acknowledge they are in depression and take medication . What is the use if continue to live in state of denial and continue stressing the household members.

    My wife picks up argument every month that flares in to a major stressful conversation . Uses filthy language and calls me when i am at office , starts screaming- . If child is creating problem – i don’t know what it takes to call and state the problem. I clean utensils. 50% of the time – i cook food , i clean restrooms , garbage ,drop kid at school, pick up , buy vegetables from shop , go to bank ,drop kid at classes . She does not share any of the above but just keeps screaming that she lived like a queen until marriage and now she is being tortured. She uses swear words against my dad , mom which i cant tolerate.

    To summarize- i have great respect for women excepting my wife and women with similar character They are a poison to the society. I live my life with the hope that someday in the future in my lifetime- she will change .

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