Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Daughters-in-law, daughters main abusers for elderly in household.

NEW DELHI: Despite of a kind hearted daughter-in-law often the staple of Bollywood in the past, a new survey has found that they along with daughter-in-law, daughters are also at the forefront in abusing the elderly in a household instead helping them with daily activities…

MyNation members met MP Harinarayan Rajbhar in support of his demand to setup Purush Aayog

On Friday 3rd August 2018 A Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Lok Sabha MP Harinarayan Rajbhar raised this issue “sufferings” of married men at the hands of their wives during the Zero Hour in Lok Sabha. Overwhelmed by his courage to talk about men’s issues which…

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