Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Do Groups Fighting For Women’s Rights In India Seem To Promote Toxic Feminism Where They Can’t See men Equal To Them?

How do you save a family in India? By working out differences between the two people at odds with each other?

Or by getting the women to play the victim card, claiming to be at the receiving end of all the wrong that is done in the world.

Well, according to women’s rights organizations, it’s the latter. And they tend to go to town about it.

There are many such NGOs fighting for women’s rights in India, which they claim have been grossly violated by an increasingly anti-women judiciary and society.

If you were an alien who was visiting planet Earth for the first time and the website of such organizations was the only thing you had read upon arrival, you would assume that the human women is the most discriminated creature with no rights and no voice and that the males are these all-powerful things that have established their dominance.

I notice with horror that these organizations pervert genuine issues that women have in India and portray them as a part of a narrative in which there is an active conspiracy against them.

They say they are the victim, that they are not powerful, that the system is failing them and that they need to ‘win back their rights’.

A majority of their case is women who have been wronged by the system. Specifically by laws that are meant to protect them. These are women who have been wrongly accused in misusing cases of rape, dowry, domestic violence etc.

While there is no issue with the legitimacy of their grievances, there is a huge one with how their stories are used to show that women need to fight.

In an interview with News media, one Women claimed that just because you are a woman, you can’t be powerful.

SHe was questioned that ‘Are women not more powerful than men in India‘.

To which she reply was ‘We dispute that‘.

This is the core of the issue with many such organizations. They are not there to safeguard the abuses of law that create people who make up their base. Instead, it is to promote a movement that is nothing but a knee-jerk reaction to men losing equality in society.

Do the founders of these movements come from a highly matriarchal, female privilege driven society? Where it is the norm to give preference to the woman and where men’s rights are just paid lip service.

When they see that men are gaining prominence, reaching positions of power, having a say in how the world is run, the can’t stomach it, and thus create these movements that feed off of the genuineness of people wronged by the system, to promote an agenda that tries to restore their comfort zone, a women-first world.

They choose to ignore the fact that men still face a lot of abuse in India, that men’s rights are still a useless fixture in many places when they claim that men have more rights than them.

They ignore the long list of False rapes, molestation, outrage modesty, sexual harassment at workplace and now marital rape cases when they claim that the crimes against them deserve more attention.

3 thoughts on “Do Groups Fighting For Women’s Rights In India Seem To Promote Toxic Feminism Where They Can’t See men Equal To Them?

  1. Very Appropriate…False cases by Women on 498A, DV, Child Custody Favouritism, Child Barricading, False Maintenance, Punishable for Adultery….must be taken into immediate Cognigence.

  2. A women is Another womens biggest enemy, these feminists just don’t hate men, they hate other women too, they just can’t bear another human being, being happy and contended, they want something but are not clear what is that something . They are brainwashed by anti national elements , and knowingly or unknowingly, they are becoming pawns in the hands of such antu national elements #feminismisterrorism within the country.

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