Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Women Exposed

The book ‘If men have all the power, how come women make the rules?’ written by Jack Kammer has indeed shook the very foundation of feminism, so to speak. It has incorporated some of the most thought-provoking facts about women, which men often overlook it or even ignore considering it to be a natural quality of women. The observation he made in this should have been known to all men but Jack Kammer probably is much more courageous to defend his self-respect against the incessant attacks of feminism.

Some of the facts given in the book are enumerated below:

1) Women invent rules, manipulate men to obey them, and in this way dominate men but in no way apply the rules to themselves.

2) How come men never say, “It’s a man’s world”?

3) Our greatest weakness is our façade of strength. Women’s greatest strength is their façade of weakness.

4) If men have all the power how come women make the rules?

5) Women’s power is difficult to see and measure. As long as women can pretend they don’t have any power, we can’t call them on how they use and misuse it.

6) It’s tough to trust a person who holds a club behind her back and says, “A club? What club? I don’t have a club.”

7) As long as women get away with thinking we’re inferior, they’ll have no qualms about treating us badly. They might not even know they’re doing it.

8) Any man would be damaged by the allegation that ‘he doesn’t respect women.’ Why is it so hard to imagine that any woman would be hurt by the charge that ‘she doesn’t respect men”?

9) Women get a lot of power just out of the fact that they expect and demand special and preferential treatment.

10) Most of the damage women do is indirect. If she only bats her eyes to induce a guy into a fight, nobody’s going to blame her. Women do a lot of things that provoke and trigger responses in men. But nobody seems able to see that.

11) Society authorizes women to use make-up, fashion and jewelry to gain attention and stimulate sexual demand among men.

12) Women laugh at us when studies show that we think about sex several times per hour. We could get a bigger laugh if anyone ever did a study on how often women think about being sexy.

13) If a woman ends a marriage, she is putting an end to a stifling and oppressive relationship. If a man ends a marriage, he is abandoning his family. If a woman decides not to marry someone, it is her choice of making her life as happy as she can. If a man decides not to marry someone, he is a womanizer or afraid of commitment.

14) The standard for boy behaviour toward girls: You may never every hit a girl, no matter what, not even in self-defence and if you ever do we’ll thrash you to within an inch of your life to teach you a lesson about violence. The standard for girl toward boys: Did you really slug him ? Wow, you go girl.

15) Why is sex thought to be something women give and we get?

16) It is statistically true that married men are more successful than unmarried men. But are they more successful because they’re married or are they married because they are successful?

17) Would we expect a mother without custody to continue to cook and clean for her ex-husband? Then why do we expect the non-custodial father to keep providing money, especially to an ex-wife who interferes with his visitation time?

18) A false allegation of rape can have consequences as severe as or even worse than an actual rape.

19) Women coined the emotionally powerful phrase, “date rape” to identify a danger they face. We need to popularize “fake rape” to call attention to a problem that threatens us.

20) When a man and woman commit a crime together, prosecutor invariably assume that the man is the truly guilty party while the woman was only a hapless maybe she was abused duped in the male’s nefarious plot. They’ll make a deal with her and she’ll cry on the witness stand and explain to the jury how the bad, bad man was bad, bad, bad. So, in large measure, we live in a society in which women can reckon they have a fair shot at getting off sot-free for even heinous crimes if they can raise a convincing tear or two and have a defenseless (dead will do) nearby man to finger.

21) If our lives are so wonderful and women’s are so full of oppression and degradation, why do we commit suicide 4-5 times more often than girls and women do?

22) Did you ever notice that when we have opinions that women don’t like, they’re not called opinions, but ‘attitudes’?

Obviously women won’t like to read these points which itself proves that all these points are true. They may even try to hide their faces while this book exposes them to the whole world. Some men too would find it absurd because their individuality is totally dependent on what women think about them. A person with keen observation will find these points as true, intriguing and also unfortunate because nobody else seem to realize this deception that women have been playing with men and also the society for decades. Let’s hope that people realizes the above truth and seek to live in an egalitarian society instead of deceptive women’s society where they are expected to hate men.

Common Man

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