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You may be justified if the police station in India is a mild place which gives women protection and prevents or warns men from commiting domestic voilence. I do not write much in this forum. But I saw a video today where two men in Chennai were beaten by police, insulted and beaten by twenty lawyers or something. They have not recovered from the shock. The case has been going on for 10 years. They have lost all their money. Do you want to do this to your husband and do you expect to live with him afterwards! After divorce you can do all these things since he means nothing to you. But after divorce why should a husband torture or have anything to do with his wife.

Canada is not a land of roses for men or women. Everybody does not have millions of dollars. There is recession and both men and women lose jobs. A man cannot live with dowry alone unless the amount is very huge. I am sure not many father in laws are super rich in India to support a husband for life. A woman cannot live with alimony alone unless the man is super rich even in Canada. But women start working and alimony may help them to get on their feet.