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Assume a man earns Rs. 20000 per month and his wife also earns Rs. 20000 per month. Does a gift/dowry of Rs. 2 lakhs, is it significant. Will a man marry a woman just to get this Rs. 2 lakhs. I WONT.

Will a man harass his wife for Rs. 2 lakhs or go to the extent of buring her.

I do not know. My marriage is 20 years old. i have been seperated from my wife and son for 6 years. But I did sponsor my wife and son to canada and my wife let the visa expire. The emotional damage was there because of seperation. I did not take any dowry. But how to prove it. We have not divorced. I do not know if my wife will file 498a if I go for a divorce and fight for my son. My son told me not to go for a divorce and I will be affected. I have not paid monthly maintenance. But I paid Rs. 8 lakhs for sons education and other expenses.

Is there a time limit for dowry complaint u/s 498a. My wife wants more money. They say that they could go to the police. I do not have a good income at the moment. The lawyer who mediated is suggesting a mutual consent divorce and pay Rs. 40 lakhs to my wife taking money from my brother in U.S. Sorry to write like this.