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Law should be same for all, as per your Law of Land (LOL) only mother should get child below 5 years right ?

– can you give birth to a child alone?were you born without mother & father?who raised you?father or mother or both?

i can show many recent judgments even father got girl child custody? so its not law of land which change colours. i can call it law of ladies, who think only mother is capable raise child better.

-if father has prooved he can take better care of the child than mother so it is as per the law.

(i think u know only injection giving doctor.-)

-but you are also not a PHD doctor but you u still use Dr. is it not wrong?

(child will not have your breastfeed when its 20 year old, it need it when its below 5 only,if a women is not ready to give that what is the use whatever money she earn. breastfeed is Child right, and todays women violate it. coz child is not complaining. we men have to demand childs rights,and fight for it, and charge all women for violating it. Rekha i know you are one too.)

more than breast milk the child has right to be NOURISHED. breast milk is recommended/adviced for first 6 months for proper nourishment. woman are very much aware of breastfeeding how it helps on sheding unwanted weight gained during pregnancy. there are many woman who have to resume work after 3 months of maternity leave(with consent of their of husband) they can not breastfeed the child. some even store the milk in refrigirator to be fed after they leave for job. child with teeth bites the mother and it is so painful but they still feed the child.

-has he not been given vaccinations on time. is he going to school and provided basic necessities of life food clothing & shelter. ARE YOU GIVING CHILD SUPPORT FOR THESE MANY YEARS?what is your responsibility towards him. have you checked his acadamic performance from the school?

how can man with such thinking be called doctor????????

(i will give u examples of 2 families.

one family raise thier children with god fear/good education/non smoker/non alcholic and later settle in left verywell with reputation

Other family totaly reverse of above.

now whom will you leave your child, thinking he will be raised in morals ?)

–are you sure you are not in the catagory-

“one family raise thier children with god fear/good education/non smoker/non alcholic and later settle in left verywell with reputation”

-can you proove if your wife/relatives cannot raise the child with the above values/morals.