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Sgrover and Rekha please dont misunderstand each other as u both are correct on your side. Rekha is good madam who has faced a problem from her husband so she wish to save this mr house so she is saying keep cool and do something else thats it and sgrover is a good man who has faced much from his wife who has enjoyed him for no reason and now he is in trouble or not i dont know or rekha unwantingly has given divorce to her husband is so sad, why i am telling to you both of u is because i am also one who has faced 498 a and what not for crpc 125 and many others i dont remember and i have also gone thru that trauma of police harrsing and eating up money and asking for more money while not leaving us from flase 498 a case where i was having enough proof of my wife and her parents are going on wrong way when i showed to police then also police says law says that u have to be in jail and your parents we can leave so i considered that also and ultimately my mama did much work with money and big peoples words worked and i need not to go in jail or else i was ready to go in jail even but the situation is un imaginable when wife or husband any one side is bad to the other and if other has not did any bad then he or she is in big trouble which all happened to us rekha and grover both are with me i mean i am with u as my wife took my 3 years old born baby girl and after delivery she has never came to my house till my daughter got something like 10 months or more older then only for 15 days she came with her parents are my parents has gone to mumbai to my bro house for my father open heart surgery which we have full proof of it then also they claimed in court that my parents and myself has bitten her and harreshed her which is totally worng where my neibours who are staying near to our house and not only one or two but all 9 neibours are saying that we have never heared any noise nor we have seen myself to bit her no quarel then also why your wife has gone away, the only reason she was having in mind is money of eelle money and maintenance as my father in law is a ritered governmnet lawyer and so they did totally plan in my case and did accordingly to fix us but god has saved us they were asking for 10 lacs rupees and i dont have good job and they were knwoing all my status and my family goodwill is very bad as my bro is earning good so our family is having good name in my family and we have worked in africa also so our name is big but my financial situation is not so strong then also they gave me girl is only beasue our family goodwill so that they can do this and they have did this after birth to baby girl and i was very happy to have my baby girl but they refused to let me see and touch her and till date i am crying for my girl but i cant see her nor i cant meet her and i am day by day trying to forget her for the time being as i cant do anything and i wish to fight a case for her to get my daughter to getme visitation rights as i dont want my daughter to apart from her mother it is a big crime if u apart a child from her mother so i dont want to do that but i want my daughter to love me thats it and so i will do best possible for that up to best extent which ican so i am happy on that aspect and so i am saving money for my daugther to fight a big case to work out to get visitation rights to me for my daughter. and i will will but i am just now waiting and watching so i feel at ease as at this time nothing is possible as my daughter is 4 years old now and so i am waiting till she becomes something like 6 to 7 years where she starts to understand the world very well in educational terms also and so then i will hold her thru court to get her love to me also.. but for that my wife is very tight and she is not ready to even talk to me and already everything is finished between us as i have paid 2.5 to her i.e 1.5 lac to my daughter in fd for 15 years and 1lac to my wife as elle money for permanent settlement. so but i was not ready to give divorce to my wife yet my fault was 20 % and her was 80% yet i love her but she dont want to come back and i was always ready to forget and forgive but she dont want to even do anything out of it and she only wants is divorce as she has planned i have never in my life span with her bitten her anything and nor even slapped her i always loving her but she was day by day changiing her requirements and always compeled me to change as per what she needs to be what i have to be as per her wish and will then only i was getting personal love from her or else i have to be roasted myself without my wife’s love to me. even she use to speak bad words to me and also telling not to give my salary to my parents and only to her and nothing to be given to my parents and bro as we are hindu undivided family and i cant do that, that very thing she expects which i peacefully refused inspite of her much fight with me and so she has understood ke meri daal yaha nahi galne wali so she took this step inpiste i kept cool till last moment when i was singing divorce papers in her front after she signed i told her be happy for your life yet i love u but as u wish i will also sign divorce papers. anyway this is my stroy, i feel what i cant say to you what i feel for her i really love her but i cant meet her i cant sleep at night till 4 am and i dont know what to do but i have to forget my wife also and my daughter also as i cant live without my daughter also but i have to there is no option for me. now that is the life which i have to face and i am facing and so i understand your both peoples feelings what u have faced is also lot. anyway keep it up to help others. see u later bye