Reply To: wife under influence of her mother and relatives

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thank you Dr. dsouza,

i found your reply very informative and surely very useful. thnks again

i want to have some more information, if you can please help me.

my wife has now gone back to her parental house and i have come to the conclusion that she is doing all these nonsense in my life just because she want me to separate from my family and live with her in a nuclear family.

but i dont want to leave my family. to achieve this target of her she is doing a lot of wrong things while staying with my family.

she tried to threaten me by saying that she will commit suicide and tried to threaten my parents too.

I have asked her that if she comes back to my home by her own will she should give me in written the same thing or otherwise she better stay with her parents as she can try these kind of things in future too and can put false allegations on me and my family.

i am thinking of filing a case against her.

what do you suggest and how should i proceed in this matter, kindly guide me with your expert advice.