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Dear Sir,

It was an arranged marriage. Before the marriage, When we went to Dehradun to meet them. My wife’s father offered to gave a car. My family refused saying that We already have a car( also we do not want anything apart from their daughter ) and if they so desire, they can make a fixed deposit in kids( mine and wife) name and as and when the kids require, they can use it.

A fixed deposit of two lakh rupees was made by wife’s father in her name only in state bank of India, Dehradun.

Also, before the marriage, my wife’s father transferred fifty thousand rupees to my father’s account asking us to buy few things for kids ( mine and wife ). My family bought a fridge, double bed, dressing table. Next time, When we went to Dehradun, my family gave them the bills of the above articles. However, my wife’s father didn’t took it.

The marriage took place in Oct.2011. Around Jan.2012, I decided to buy a under construction commercial shop in gurgaon. The price was around sixteen lakh. I showed the project details to my wife and asked her if we can use the amount from her fixed deposit. Upon wife’s and her family consent, I transferred her bank account to delhi and transferred two lakh rupees to my father’s account.

The amount was clubbed together with the total amount paid to developer .

Now after that, as the months passed by , my wife and her family start to show their true colours.

At the end of it, she took off from our home carrying all the gold (given by us to her and given by them to me and her ) and run away with her parents to dehradun. (Despite the fact that she was three months pregnant and was given proper medical attention from our end).

My query is this:

1. I am getting worried about my family’s getting entangled in false cases.

2. Since both the transfer’s have been made to my father’s account, how can I safeguard us on this point. Whether transferring the entire amount(Rs.2,50,000)to her bank account would do it or should I wait. Considering that she has took a hefty amount of our gold articles from our house. We don’t have any communication after that incident.

I am planning to write a letter to her saying that we want to transfer the above mentioned amount back to her/her father’s account,(As this amount was taken as a loan ). Would It safe guard our family and prevent her from declaring that amount as dowry.