
Dear Sir,

yesterday i came from Sabrimala as usual (once in a year) when i reached kerala my wife & her family members came to know that i am in kerala, they said to my relatives that my child is always looking into my photo and crying to see me, by hearing that i asked my relatives to take a step for compromise in seek of my child, when they went to their house they closed the door in their mouth asking to get out, we don’t want any compormise.

In 2013 her father asked for 25L. Now in 2015 her father asked for 20L in a different way.

He says that deposit 20L in name of my child and make her mother (i.e. my wife) as the nominee since the child is under age so that this money should be used at the time of her marriage…… I said at the time of marriage i’ll give the money to her husband, no need to make nominee and deposit in her name. At the time of marriage i know what to do. Above all i’m doing the same in my name in my account.

He says that if I’ll come and stay here in kerala then my wife is ready to live with you,……. I told that OK but i don’t have any house or property here & above all i don’t know malayalam (read & write), then how i will be able to settle here, i will not get any job also because of language problem then also i said i will live here and i become a auto driver in seek of my child. After admitting the same He changes his tone. Now he says you & your family members should sell your property from chattisgarh (my home town) and purchase new property here and settle here then only i will send her to live with you……. I told that i had married your daughter not my family members, if there is any compormise then it should be with me not with my family members. Lastly he said that this is our demand if you and your family members are admitting it then OK else we are happy to go to a case against you and your family, he said bad words to me and my family members and gone.

I directly talked to my wife in my relatives house (i told to come over there in phone she came with her mother) in 2012 when she left her matrimonial home her complaint was dowry, dv, harrasment etc. In 2013 when i go to her house with panchayat members her complaint was only dv, other complaints were vanished in front of the people. In 2015 again she told about dv, i asked infront of her mother and my relatives what was the dv i or my families had done with you, she remains silent. (no answer) After a short break she told that you beaten me. I told OK tell infront of the people for what purpose I had beaten you. I beaten you not for brining dowry, I beaten you because i am a drunkard, or what is the reason …….(remains silent no answer). She told that what her father and mother says she will do only that … Pls suggest.

I want to know that if case is on then i have to pay to my wife as maintenance or alimony (she is working). What will be my childs position.