Reply To: 498a harrshment to me and my family from my Wife.

Welcome Forums Advice Maintenance 498a harrshment to me and my family from my Wife. Reply To: 498a harrshment to me and my family from my Wife.


i have lawyer notice asking her to come back .in that i mentioned every thing when she left and what she had taken including SREEDHAN.Iam ready to fight with 498a case because i didn’t any harm to her.I loved her a lot .i given whatever she wants.but she never loves me as per her behavior.She likes and listen only her family members and her relatives.I left job because of her (changed to night sift). But she never thought i did for her.lot of things like this.I am not belongs to her she likes this her mind parents and her relatives only belongs to her not husband who shares life .

I faced a lot of harassment from her and her family and her relatives.i never want to see her face again.i want to fight to prove my innocence.Is there any cases to file on her if she proved as she filed false case on me.Please let me know.Please tell me.