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Thankyou for your reply and for your kind words.Neither me nor my family is fine.I am in india now and dont understand what she wants.As i mentioned in my mail.We came to india a week back .We both came to my house and on the same night she started fighting,she left home next day morning shouting at us.she carried a mobile number with her which her parents gave her at the airport.Once she left we started calling her parents,relatives.We asked her parents to give her number but they never did.Immediately i dropped her an email stating the same to which she replied that my parents and me hold her neck and kicked her out of the house and that i forced and bought her back to india to leave .All elders had a discussion on 16th where she blamed me on all the possible things.The summary of the discussion was that she was correct in every way and it is she who is unhappy in all the ways bearing lots of harrassment too.Everybody left after the discussion without any conclusion and she happily left back with her parents.Today again she is texting me,her language was very smooth in the text asking “what are your plans i need some clarity”.Looking at what happened back i.e the previous fights in europe,her email,discussion,and the text which she sent today morning.i learn that she is trying to show that i am trying to dessert her or creating evidence for the same.I have not replied to her text.Please can you advise me on the following points.

Should i go back to europe which elders are asking me to do?

Some members are advising that i should not transfer the property but sell the property that too only to my mother’s name and not anybody else.

I am from warangal andhra pradesh,unfortunately meetings are held in hyderabad and no meetings at my place.Members are asking me to attend meeting this weekend which i will definetly do but before that as you mentioned that i have to make it fast.I need advice whether i have to sell the property to my mother’s name or anybody else is safe.I have a sister who is married.

I also have some land and some investment in mutual fund.Should everything be removed?

Am i not supposed to have cash in my bank account too.

My mother’s and sisters gold is in my mother’s locker.Is that safe or advised to move from there?

We dont have any of her gold or any belongings as from day one she made sure that she leaves nothing at my house.After me leaving to Europe after marriage.Visa processing took some time about 4 months in which she stayed at my house for 10 days.She moved to her parents place and leaved from there itself to europe after visa processing.My mother was shocked to see that she even took the bedspread before she left from my house.

We made a gold necklace for her which she took along with herself and kept it at her parent’s place.

What are the precautions my family should take in my presence or absence?

Just an hour back she messaged me on facebook saying “U are ignoring me u were supposed to come today to my place and get me ” I am asked not to reply to any of her messages so i am not replying to them.

My parents are very much horrified with the last incident when she left house and blamed them saying they hold her neck and removed her out.My parents doesnt want her to come to their house as she would again build new stories.If her parents come to my parent’s home or if she forcibly comes to my parent’s house.How should my parent’s reply?

One more thing which i want to bring to your notice,she changed her email id and skype id after coming to europe.

Please advise me.We would be very thankful to you.