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One side she is doing all nasty things,blaming me before evrybody with all false allegations.Other side says i have bought her to leave her.One side she doesnot give me her mobile number,keeps texting me from her sister’s number,doesnot give me their house address.Other side she says i am not calling her and not coming to her house to take her back.

If she really wants to save her relation why is she doing all the nasty things and expecting things from me.Why is she creating stories.Why is she not worried about any relation?Why does she do things and blame me for them.

She says i am impotent i have hurt her,harrassed her,didnt give her any money,made her totally dependant on me by making her out of job.My question is when your husband is doing so much bad to me,when you have such life threats from your husband,why do you again want to go back to him?When i am an impotent person,who will she lead her married life with and how can she be happy with an impotent person,who harrrases her, shatters her and is ruining her life.