Reply To: Kindly suggest and help my Brother!

Welcome Forums Miscellaneous Marital Problems Kindly suggest and help my Brother! Reply To: Kindly suggest and help my Brother!


Thank you Mr. James and I appreciate your guiding mail. You are absolutely correct to say that she wants to live separately from our joint family (a fact very well known and acceptable to them at the time of marriage).

We are from Mumbai and she’s from city famous for oranges.

About the evidence part, when my bhabhi had come back with her son to our house, I had told my brother to record her conversation and also if possible put a cc camera in his room but he did not realize the seriousness of the matter, and we lost a very good chance to record her ill-doings.

Though we are ready, my brother is very firm NOT TO bring her back at all and is ready to give up the child too. He’s saying she’s not worth leaving my family for and what guarantee is there that she will not be going to her parents anymore. When my brother was hospitalized, this female sitting at her mother’s place called up on his mobile in the hospital to know his well being…. she’s such an insensitive female. She’ll spoil the kid’s life as well. Atleast now she’s there only and can send her kid to school. Why make the child suffer in this. My brother is a dotting father. It’s that stupid female’s loss and she’s too ignorant to realize that. She and her family feeds and lives on jealousy, hatred and vengeance. Though if you can suggest, is there anyway we can get the child?

Though I was of the opinion to bring her back and collect every possible evidence, my brother is totally against it. He fears for our aging parents.

I wanted to know that is there any time limit to file 498a. coz it’s been almost a month since she’s gone to her parents and has not file any complaint as yet. We know that she wants to come back but her terms are not acceptable to my brother. He’s now trying to put social pressure to expose them and also take proper legal proceeding…………… if any possible social agreement fails.

She and her parents are facing social wrath and ridicule as to why the are keeping their married daughter and her son at home. In fact, her father told one of the relatives that we’ll make her do some job and she’ll take care of her son. We are shocked and failed to understand that if you wanted to do this only……….then why did you marry her and spoiled my brother’s life?????? I guess Government Service peoples’ mentality works this way only…………..No offense meant!

Any other way of putting pressure on them?