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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

SC Guidelines for Bail

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 883 OF 2021 (Arising from S.L.P.(Criminal) No.3739/2021) Harjit Singh …Appellant Versus Inderpreet Singh @ Inder and another …Respondents   JUDGMENT M.R. SHAH, J. 1. Leave granted. 2. Feeling aggrieved and dissatisfied with the…

Parole denied : Advocates should not suppress material facts

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY, NAGPUR BENCH, NAGPUR. CRIMINAL WRIT PETITION NO. 253/2021 1] Asgar Kadar Sheikh, Convict No. 6473 2] Mohd Yakub Abdul Majid Nagul, Convict No. C/8774, Both Presently at Central Prison,Nagpur…. PETITIONER(S) // VERSUS // Jail Superintendent, Nagpur Central…

Whether the Court can disbelieve the evidence of the injured witness if there is a minor discrepancy in his evidence?

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 216 OF 2015 Kalabhai Hamirbhai Kachhot Vs State of Gujarat Author: R. Subhash Reddy, J. Dated:April 28, 2021. 1. Leave granted in S.L.P.(Crl.)No.3227 of 2015. 2. All these criminal appeals are filed against the…

Whether court can discard the exaggerated evidence of a witness as a whole?

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NOS. 1140 ­1141 OF 2010 Achhar Singh….. Appellant VERSUS State of Himachal Pradesh ….. Respondent WITH CRIMINAL APPEAL No. 1144 of 2010 Budhi Singh….. Appellant VERSUS State of Himachal Pradesh ….. Respondent JUDGMENT Surya…

Whether Magistrate can consider charge-sheet filed on 91st day for denying default bail to accused if 90th day was a holiday?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF BOMBAY (AURANGABAD BENCH) Criminal Appeal No. 253 of 1999 Decided On: 06.03.1999 Naresh @ Nana Baliram Sonwane Vs. State of Maharashtra Hon’ble Judges/Coram:R.G. Deshpande, J. Citations: 2000 (5) BomCR 382, 2000 BomCR Cri, 1999 (3) MhLj 631 1. Rule is…

HC Should explain Why A Petition Is Allowed Or Rejected u/s 482 CrPc

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL No. 888 OF 2019 (Arising out of S.L.P.(Crl.) No.3502 of 2019) Jitender Kumar @ Jitender Singh ….Appellant(s) VERSUS The State of Bihar ….Respondent(s) JUDGMENT Abhay Manohar Sapre, J. 1. Leave granted. 2. This appeal…

Whether accused has right to make successive bail application?

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Criminal Appeal No. 1448 of 2017 Decided On: 21.08.2017 Prasad Shrikant Purohit Vs. State of Maharashtra Hon’ble Judges/Coram: R.K. Agrawal and Abhay Manohar Sapre, JJ. Citation: (2018) 11 SCC458 1. Leave granted. 2. This appeal is directed against the…

When prosecution u/s. 498A of ipc is liable to quashed against sister in laws?

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 128 OF 2011 Ram Saran Varshney and others … Appellants versus State of Uttar Pradesh and another … Respondents J U D G M E N T JAGDISH SINGH KHEHAR, J. 1. The…

Telephonic message given to police are not FIR always

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.1516 OF 2011 BHAGWAN JAGANNATH MARKAD & ORS. V STATE OF MAHARASHTRA Dated:OCTOBER 04, 2016. Citation: 2017 CRLJ 578 SC 1. The appellants are aggrieved by the judgment and order dated 20th April, 2007…

Husband Granted Divorce After 25 years of Long Legal Battle Based on Cruelty

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR RAJASTHAN BENCH AT JAIPUR D.B. Civil Misc. Appeal No.244/1993 Nathulal v. Nathi Bai Judgment reserved on 5.4.2016 Judgment pronounced on 31.5.2016 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ajay Rastogi Hon’ble Mr. Justice J.K. Ranka Mr. Ravi Kasliwal, counsel for appellant Mr….

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