Laws and Bare Acts of India at

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The All-India Institute of Medical Science Act, 1956

The All-India Institute of Medical Science Act, 1956





1Short title and commencement.
3Establishment and incorporation of the Institute.
4Composition of the Institute.
5Declaration of the Institute as an institution of national importance.
6Term of office of, and vacancies among members.
7President of the Institute.
8Allowances of President and members.
9Meetings of the Institute.
10Governing Body and other Committees of the Institute.
11Staff of the Institute.
12Location of the Institute.
13Objects of the Institute.
14Functions of the Institute.
15Payment to the Institute.
16 Fund of the Institute.
17Budget of the Institute.
18Accounts and audit-
19Annual report.
20 Pension and Provident Funds.
21 Authentication of the orders and instruments of the Institute.
22 Acts and proceedings not to be invalidated by vacancies, etc.
23 Recognition of medical qualifications granted by the Institute.
24 Grant of medical degrees, diplomas, etc., by the Institute.
25Control by Central Government.
26Disputes between the Institute and the Central Government.
27 Returns and information.
28Power to make rules.
29 Power make regulations.


Indian Laws – Bare Acts

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