Laws and Bare Acts of India at

MyNation Foundation Online Law Library

The Central Sales Tax, 1956

The Central Sales Tax, 1956





s Preamble
1Short title, Extent and Commencement
3When is a Sale or Purchase of goods said to take place in the course of Inter-State Trade or Commerce
4When is a Sale for Purchase of goods said to take place outside a State
5When is a Sale or Purchase of goods said to take place in the course of Import or Export
6Liability to Tax on Inter-State Sales
6ABurden of Proof, Etc., in case of transfer of goods claimed otherwise than by of sale
7Registration of Dealers
8Rates of Tax on Sales in the course of Inter-State Trade or Commerce
8ADetermination of Turnover
9Levy and Collection of Tax and Penalties
9ACollection of Tax to be only by registered dealers
9BRounding off of Tax, Etc.
10AImposition of Penalty in Lieu of Prosecution
11Cognizance of Offences
13Power to make rules
14Certain Goods to be of Special Importance in Inter-State trade or commerce
15Restrictions and Conditions in regard to Tax on Sale or Purchase of declared goods within a State
17Company in Liquidation
18Liability of Directors of Private Company in Liquidation


Indian Laws – Bare Acts

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