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Section 7 – The Administration of Evacuee Property (Central) Rules,1950

The Administration of Evacuee Property (Central) Rules,1950



7. Notification of evacuee property under sub-section (3) of Sec. 7.


(1) The Custodian, after holding such enquiry, as he deems fit and on being satisfied that a particular property is evacuee property, shall notify the same in the official Gazette or in any local newspaper or on the notice-board kept for that purpose in his office. In the last-mentioned case, the Custodian may, in addition, cause a copy of the notification to be affixed on the evacuee property.


(2) The notification shall be in Form No. 2 and shall give full particulars of the property regarding the location, municipal numbers, etc. In case of agricultural land, it shall specify, as far as possible, its khasra number and the village where it is situated. Any error or irregularity in the drawing up or the publication of the notification shall not be deemed to detract from the validity of such a notification or otherwise afford a valid defence to claim of the Custodian to the property as having vested in him.


(3) A list of all such evacuee property brought up to date in each State shall be published once a year, in the official Gazette or in such other manner as the Custodian deems fit.




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The Administration of Evacuee Property (Central) Rules,1950


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