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Section 65 – Factories Act, 1948

Factories Act, 1948





(1) Where the State Government is satisfied that, owing to the nature of the work carried on or to other circumstances, it is unreasonable to require that the periods of work of any adult workers in any factory or class or description of factories should be fixed beforehand, it may, by written order, relax or modify the provisions of section 61 in respect of such workers therein, to such extent and in such manner as it may think fit, and subject to such conditions as it may deem expedient to ensure control over periods of work.


(2) The State Government or, subject to the control of the State Government, the Chief Inspector, may by written order exempt, on such conditions as it or he may deem expedient, any or all of the adult workers in any factory or group or class or description of factories from any or all of the provisions of sections, 51, 52, 54 and 56 on the ground that the exemption is required to enable the factory or factories to deal with an exceptional press of work.


1(3) Any exemption granted under sub-section (2) shall be subject to the following conditions, namely :- (i) the total number of hours of work in any day shall not exceed twelve;


(ii) the spread over, inclusive of intervals for rest, shall not exceed thirteen hours in any one day;


(iii) the total number of hours of work in any week, including overtime, shall not exceed sixty;


(iv) no worker shall be allowed to work overtime, for more than seven days at a stretch and the total number of hours of overtime work in any quarter shall not exceed seventy-five. Explanation : In this sub-section “quarter” has the same meaning as in sub-section (4) of section 64.





1. Subs. by Act 94 of 1976, sec. 28, for sub-section (3) (w.e.f. 26-10-1976).


2. Sub-section (4) omitted by Act 94 of 1976, sec. 28 (w.e.f. 26-10-1976).



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Factories Act, 1948


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