Laws and Bare Acts of India at

MyNation Foundation Online Law Library

The Hindu Marriage Act,1955

The Hindu Marriage Act,1955





1Short title and extent
2Application of Act
4Over-riding effect of Act
5Conditions for a Hindu marriage.
6Guardianship in marriage
7Ceremonies for a Hindu marriage.
8Registration of Hindu marriages.
9Restitution of conjugal rights.
10Judicial separation .
11Void marriages.
12Voidable marriages
13AAlternate relief in divorce proceedings
13BDivorce by mutual consent.
14No petition for divorce to be presented within one year of marriage .
15Divorced persons when may marry again.
16Legitimacy of children of void and voidable marriages.
17Punishment of bigamy.
18Punishment for contravention of certain other conditions for Hindu marriage
19Court to which petition shall be presented.
20Contents and verification of petitions.
21Application of Act 5 of 1908.
21APower to transfer petitions in certain cases.
21BSpecial provision relating to trial and disposal of petitions under the Act.
21CDocumentary evidence.
22Proceedings to be in camera and may not be printed or published.
23Decree in proceedings
23ARelief for respondent in divorce and other proceedings.
24Maintenance pendente lite and expenses of proceedings.
25Permanent alimony and maintenance .
26Custody of children.
27Disposal of property.
28Appeals from decrees and orders.
28AEnforcement of decrees and orders.



Indian Laws – Bare Acts


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