Laws and Bare Acts of India at

MyNation Foundation Online Law Library

The Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act,1974

The Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act,1974





1Short title, extent and commencement
3Power to make orders detaining certain persons
4Execution of detention orders
5Power to regulate place and conditions of detention
5AGrounds of detention sever able
6Detention order not to be invalid or inoperative on certain grounds
7Power in relation to absconding persons
8Advisory Board
9Cases in which and circumstances under which persons may be detained for period longer than three months without obtaining the opinion of Advisory Board
10Maximum period of detention
10AExtension of period of detention
11Revocation of detention orders
12Temporary release of persons detained
12ASpecial Provisions for dealing with emergency
13Protection of action taken in good faith


Indian Laws – Bare Acts

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