Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Indian Mans’ life worth only Rs.15,000

This is not About Politicians not Bigwigs or Film stars; In india, ordinary men worth nothing; as they do not have any Protection laws nor government schemes.

Recently a woman and her paramour killed her husband, who objected to their illicit relationship, later they caught and sentenced as per law, but a innocent life lost.

The court imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 on Rajiv(Paramour) and Rs 7,000 on Poonam(Wife) with a direction that out of the total amount, Rs 15,000 be paid to the victim’s father.

Rs 15,000 is not only insult to the parents of the Man, it shows value of a Indian MAN.

This is Judgment by Delhi Sessions Courts Additional Sessions Judge N K Malhotra.

1 thought on “Indian Mans’ life worth only Rs.15,000

  1. Only woman has been an object of trade. Our law is on that line, it seems.

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