Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

WCD/NCW Support/Encourage misuse of Section 498A of IPC.

WCD/NCW has the authority to investigate use and misuse of section 498A, so called Dowry prohibition Act 1961(DPA 1961). If a women write to them with her sob story, they swing into action and force police to arrest husband and his entire family even they never took or demanded any dowry.

In DPA 1961 there is clause, Dowry givers also guilty, but in the history of the Act, none were arrested or sent to jail for giving dowry, that’s the first proof that they encourage women to file false case. They should go to jail before taking it. unless you give, how can someone will take it. most girl family give even there is no demand of any money, and many more Girl families term stridhan as dowry too, when marriage is on the brink of divorce.

If Mother/Sister of husband write to them if they charged with false 498A, they just reply saying they are not coming under their mandate, that’s another proof that WCD/NCW says Mother-in-law / Sister-in-laws are not women, they help only those who misuse this Law. (We have NCW Letter on this)

As my 498A case is going on for last 14 years and I wrote to WCD/NCW many times but no reply from them so far, that’s another solid proof they encourage Women to file false case, cause All modern Indian women who file false 498A, they know there is no punishment for filling false case to harass their husband.
In my case for last 14 years my ex-wife never came to court for single court date and with this any deaf, dumb or blind can say its false case.

WCD/NCW need more statistics on 498A, so they can demand more funds from government and international donors, if they start investigating on false case report or ask Government to make gender neutral or punish misusers, their statistics can count within 100 only.

Now we have proofs that WCD/NCW is supporting misuse and making money out of it too.

If anyone has doubt about it, Please write about your false 498a case to WCD/NCW and your letter will end-up in VOID.

2 thoughts on “WCD/NCW Support/Encourage misuse of Section 498A of IPC.

  1. My wife has filed 498A and 406 34 on me and my parents . Due to our fights and her aggressive nature I started living separately with my mom and dad at their house. When I sent her a mutual consent notice for divorce one month after that she went and filed 498A and 406 34 on us.Although on bail I am suffering and she continues living in my house with kids and everyday making it more and more difficult for me by instigating me on phone and arguments.My divorce case is in fly court and Criminal case Is in criminal court . Right now I am on bail. She has used her contacts in police from a high rank of the level of IG to make things swing in her way. What do you suggest ?

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