Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Request to follow Article 14 of Constitution of India

To: Chief Justice of India                                                                                 …

The practice of dowry and the incidence of dowry abuse in Australia.

To, The Committee Secretary Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Parliament House Canberra Subject: The practice of dowry and the incidence of dowry abuse in Australia Submission: Australia is set to pass legislation against dowry abuse in Australia Respected Sir/Madam Dowry system was in Practice…


Delhi, INDIA, July 4, 2018 – Today is the landmark day in the history of legal circles and is 19th Anniversary of the FIRST notorious case of LEGAL TERRORISM as our Hon’ble supreme court, has famously said wherein, an young man of 32 years, Mr….

GETTING MARRIED IN INDIA.? How to Save yourself

DO IT BEFORE GETTING MARRIED IN INDIA. Indian Men those who are getting married or planning to get married; As per one survey Divorce rate in India reached to 40% and All these men are facing FALSE 498A / DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CASES just to blackmail…

Who is Better India, Pakistan or Bangladesh ?

Recently Bangladesh changed its Dowry law, amending it, PUNISHMENT FOR FALSE DOWRY COMPLAINTS/CASE, even there was not much opposition or cry from Bangladeshi men. Bangladesh law makers and government wanted to make laws gender nuetral, and stop abuse of Law. SOURCE : http://supari.org/bangladesh/ But in…

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We handle Women Centric biased laws like False Section 498A IPC, Domestic Violence(DV ACT), Divorce, Maintenance, Alimony, Child Custody, HMA 24, 125 CrPc, 307, 312, 313, 323, 354, 376, 377, 406, 420, 497, 506, 509; TEP, RTI and many more…