Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Valentine’s day is a misandrist notion

Valentine’s Day is a shopping extravaganza celebrated to make women happy. I think this is an auspicious time to warn our brothers that Valentine’s Day is not a special day. This is a day that has been forcefully and socially imposed on us by generations of daddy’s-princess-leeches and we need to avoid it.

If you are a man who is in a relationship and wants to show your love for your partner then there are 364 days in the year to do so, just please do not do it on 14 February. Men who think that loving someone means that your wallet should come out on February 14, while her purse should remain closed, will make you happy to know that it is not the love that you are buying. It is called business where you are paying to get love.

It may be difficult for some of you to face it. But you can be with the woman who is waiting for this day of the year so that she can take gold, diamond or any other equally valuable item from you as a gift. It is no surprise that big corporate houses also pressurize you to buy expensive gifts for women. This increases their profits. They promote that valentines can be celebrated only by giving expensive gifts.

For example, you may have seen many advertisements or shows or movies, where a woman gets angry over not receiving a gift on Valentine’s Day.

Can love be shown only by buying expensive gifts?

Beneath the celebration of valentine’s day is a very deep brutal strategy. Not all men get love from their women on Valentine’s Day for the gifts they bought with their hard-earned money. In the modern world, Valentine’s Day gifts have become a tool for men to protect themselves from the constant nagging and criticism of their women. You may have heard women saying to their friend that her man is not the right person for her if that man did not bring a gift for her on Valentine’s Day. This is a very negative promotion of love. Love is not a deal. On the other hand, on Valentine’s Day, not a single man will complain about not getting love from his woman, because love for them is much deeper than material things.

The reason for all these misandry in the month of February is the unequal sex ratio of employees of magazines, advertising agencies, media houses and social media. Most journalists or writers in such institutions are women compared to men, and this number is even more skewed in the feature and lifestyle section.

That means, women tell us what a woman needs on a Valentine’s day:



And a man should provide it and if he does not then women should think whether the man is worth dating or married.

What I want to say here is that on Valentine’s Day, the media is responsible for the outsized expectations of women who tell them what their man should do on this day. You may have heard this in the media: a man should make a romantic dinner for his woman! With the perfect heart shaped chocolate and flowers.

And if he screws up in any of it then he is not worth you- Or How dare he! Or he is a loser and you should dump him!

Boys, you should not think that your girl is an innocent woman. From the very beginning of a relationship, women know what they need in that relationship. Women are only interested in men who they feel are worthy of their investment.

Even women fall prey to business-house propaganda. These business houses advertise Valentine’s Day in such a way that they portray the image of a woman as a loser if she is a single woman or a woman who has a relationship with the person who doesn’t spend on her when instructed. Due to this cruel strategy, such women can be seen sending flowers to themselves at work on Valentine’s day so that they do not look like a loser in the eyes of their colleagues. For women, it is a matter of self-respect.

Ladies, if you depend on someone else to make you feel good about yourself, then you have a mental problem. Please seek the advice of a psychologist and do not harass your innocent men.

For men who are still interested in any kind of romantic involvement with women, Valentine’s Day is an ideal day to assess:

What are your moral values?

How easy is it for a business house to embarrass you depending upon your financial situation?

This is an opportunity for you to understand that you get what you attract!

Boys, be practical and show your love to your women instead of buying expensive gifts and tell them what you feel about them. Boys, let go of the fear that you will lose your women if you do not give them expensive gifts. If a woman loves you only for your expensive gifts then it is not love. Such women will leave you as soon as your wallet is empty.

If you initially entered into a relationship by showing your money, then you have made a deal and the deal will be over as soon as your bank balance is over. So, in other words, you will get what you paid for and nothing else.

Finally, I can say that modern Valentine’s Day can be termed “buying yourself a problem“.

So, boys, let’s start a campaign #boycottvalentineday on social media.

Spread awareness of the brutal tactics behind this day and save the lives of hundreds of men from ruin.

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